Friday night tactic Chess tactic, Puzzle Solving Smirin, Ilia – Lputian, Smbat (Rostov 1993), presented by Andreas White to move. How should White proceed? 2b3k1/1q3pp1/3R3p/r3Pp1P/3Q1N2/Pp1n4/1P4P1/1K6 w – – 0 28 Chess Daily News from Susan Polgar
1. Ng6 fxg
2. hxg
1.Ng6! hxg6 (Forced, as the threat was Rd8+ and Rh8 mate)
2.hxg6! once again threatening Rd8 mate.
2…Kf8 what else?
3.Rd8+ Ke7
4.Qd6 mate.
-Seth H
1. Ng6 seems to be correct, but black can also proceed as 1. … Kh7. Then:
2. Nf8+ Kg8/Kh8
3. Rd8 and basically black is toast. I can’t see a way he can avoid mate (for example, 3. … g6 4. Nd7+ Kg7 5. Qd6 threatening mate via Qf6+ or Qf8+).
Black can also try to return his extra piece, but White still wins:
1.Ng6 Bd7
2.Rxd7 Qa8