Find the right continuation Chess tactic, Puzzle Solving 2rqrb2/p2nk3/bp2pnQp/4B1p1/2pP4/1PN4P/P1n3P1/3RR2K w – – 0 1 White to move. What is the best continuation for White? No computer analysis please.
1.Nd5! deflects either e6 or Nf6, and mate follows.
1…exd5 2.Qh7+ Bg7 3.Qxg7#/
1…Nxd5 2.Bf6+ Kd6 3.Be5+ (preventing flight to the queenside) Ke7 4.Bd6#.
Black’s third knight does not help here. Perhaps he should have had promoted into a queen before!?
1. Nd5+! quickly mates. 1.-
-, Nxd5 2. Qh7+, Bg7 3. Qxg7# or 1. -, exd5 2. Bxf6++ (only two knights left now by the way), Kd6 3. Be5++ (double check again!), Ke7 4. Bd6#
This is a nice one with the two consecutive double checks.
I like 1 d5.
If Black does not take at d5,
2 d6#
If 1 … Nxd5
Nxd5+ exd5
Bf6 (double check) Kd6
BxQ dis ch Kc5
RxR 1-0
If 1 … exd
Bxf6 (double check) Kd6
BxQ dis ch Kc5
RxR 1-0
1. d5
Then if 1…ed, 2. Bxf6 wins the queen
if 1… Nxd5, 2. Qh7+ mates after Bg7
If 1… Rxe1, 2. d6 mate
What else?
1.Nd5 exd5
2.Bxf6+ win the queen
2.Qh7+, Bg7
1.Nd5+! exd5 (1…Nxd5 2.Qh7+ Bg7 3.Qxg7 ++) 2.Bxf6+ Kd6 3.Be5+ Ke7 4.Bd6++
1. d5 can be answered by Nxe5 and then d6 is met with Kd7
Better, I think, is
1. Nd5+ xd5 (if Nxd5 then 2. Qh7+ Bg7 3. Qxg7#)
2. Bxf6+ (double check) Kd6
3. Bxd8+ Nf6
4. Qxf6+ Re6
5. Qxe6#
1. Nxd5+, Nxd5
2. Qh7Mate