Find the knockout punch Chess tactic, Puzzle Solving White to move. What is the best continuation for white?Source: Chess Daily News from Susan Polgar
1.c7 Rd6 2.Rb8 tht crrct ….??
1.c7 Rd6 2.Rb8 .. is tht crrct ….??
1.c7 Rd6 2.Rb8 .. is tht crrct ….??
1.c7!! Next problem please.
c7 followed by Rb8?? —a rank beginner
c7 followed by Rb8 and there is no defense.
Oh, to live a second life as a Queen!!
32. c7 Rxd6 33. Rb8 and Black may as well resign.
1. c7 Rxc6 2. Rb8 makes the day.
(1. … Rc8 2. Rb8 and after 3. Rxc8 followed by 4. Qd8 white gets another Queen).
I think c7 wins:
1. c7 Rd6
2. Rb8 and black must lose a queen for a rook.
1.c7 wins for white…
If, 1…Rc8 (1…RxQ loses to 2.Rb8)
2.Rb8 Kf7 3.RxR QxR 4.Qd8 wins easily
c7 if Rook takes Queen, then Rb8, if Kf8 then rook takes Queen and the pawn promotes
1. c7! Rxd6
2. Rb8 Rc6
3. Rxe8+ Kf7
4. c8=Q Rxc8
5. Rxc8
is up with rook.
1. … Rc8
2. Rb8 Kh7
3. Qd8! Qxd8
4. cxd8 Rxd8
5. Rxd8
is up with rook.
1. c7!! Rxd6
2. Rb8! Qxb8
3. cxb8=Q 1-0
1. c7!! Rc6
2. Rxe8+ Kf7
3. c8=Q Rxc8
4. Rxc8 1-0
c7 & Rb8
1. c7! Rxd6
2. Rb8! Kf8
(2…Rd8 3.Rxd8 Qxd8 4.cxd8=Q+ +-)
3. Rxe8+ Kxe8
4. c8=Q+ Ke7 +-