Find the best continuation Chess tactic, Puzzle Solving White to move. What is the strongest continuation for White? Source: Chess Daily News from Susan Polgar
1.g6+ Kf6 2.Qd6+ Bxd6 3.Rxd6#
22.g6+ Kg8 23.Qxe3 Bc5 24.Qe4 Nf8 25.Rd8 Bb7 26.Rxf8+ !! wins
1. Be6+
leads to
1… Qxe6
2. Nd8 oops
1… Kxe6
2. Kxe6 Qg6+
3. Nf6 gxf6 etc. (checkmate or material losses are inevitable)
22.Be6+ is interesting but black get a lot of pieces for the Queen.
@Soylent Green: This (except 26.Rf8:+) was played in the game – and you seem to know it as you gave the respective move numbers ,:). But the engine’s first choice seems to start with 1. (or 22.) Be6+.
1.- … QxB Cd8+ or
1.- …KxB Qg6+
Nf6 gxN
gxf De8+ wins
Be6 + Q*e6
1.Be6+!! Kxe6 2.Qg6+ Nf6 3.Nd8+ Ke7 gf 5.Nc6+ Ke6 6.Qe8+ Kf5 7.Nd4+!! and mate follows.
thinks moro for this beautiful game.
Be6 !
if 22..Qxe6 23.Nd8+
if 22…Kxe6 23.Qg6+ Nf6 24.Nd8+ Ke7 25.gxf+ with a very strong attack
Not sure if it’s winning, but can get Queen with,
1.Be6 Qe6 2.Nd8 Ke7 3.Nxe6 Kxe6
then maybe 4.Qxe3.