As pointed out by chessdom, FIDE has miscalculated of a number of players. Topalov is still actually 2nd instead of 3rd with one point less than Kramnik. Adams now only has 1 rating instead of 2. Kamsky gained one more point. Adams is at 2724 instead of 2731. Anyway, here is the corrected list:
1 Anand, Viswanathan g IND 2792
2 Topalov, Veselin g BUL 2769
3 Kramnik, Vladimir g RUS 2769
4 Ivanchuk, Vassily g UKR 2762
5 Morozevich, Alexander g RUS 2758
6 Mamedyarov, Shakhriyar g AZE 2757
7 Leko, Peter g HUN 2751
8 Aronian, Levon g ARM 2750
9 Radjabov, Teimour g AZE 2746
10 Jakovenko, Dmitry g RUS 2735
11 Shirov, Alexei g ESP 2735
12 Svidler, Peter g RUS 2735
13 Gelfand, Boris g ISR 2733
14 Grischuk, Alexander g RUS 2726
15 Adams, Michael g ENG 2724
16 Kamsky, Gata g USA 2718
17 Carlsen, Magnus g NOR 2710
18 Akopian, Vladimir g ARM 2708
19 Polgar, Judit g HUN 2707
20 Ponomariov, Ruslan g UKR 2706
21 Eljanov, Pavel g UKR 2701
22 Wang, Yue g CHN 2696
23 Bacrot, Etienne g FRA 2695
24 Alekseev, Evgeny g RUS 2689
25 Bu, Xiangzhi g CHN 2685
26 Nisipeanu, Liviu-Dieter g ROM 2683
27 Kasimdzhanov, Rustam g UZB 2683
28 Short, Nigel D g ENG 2683
29 Almasi, Zoltan g HUN 2682
30 Volokitin, Andrei g UKR 2681
31 Ni, Hua g CHN 2681
Source: FIDE
It is not a glamorous position and is essentially a large accounting task, but keeping the ratings up to date for the ~500 top players in the world shouldn’t be this difficult.
May be I should lend them
my pocket calculator to
replace their abacus, shall I ?
Why is Topalov in 2nd and Kramnik on 3rd as long as they have the same rating? If they have the same rating why not sort them alphabetically – placing Kramnik on 2nd and Topalov on 3rd?
Does anybody know
78 Afromeev, Vladimir f RUS 2642 14 1954
How can a fide master have such a big rating and winning 13/13 againt players of 2000??
Strange for me
Why is Topalov in 2nd and Kramnik on 3rd as long as they have the same rating?
I believe that in this case, the tiebreaker is who played more games during the rating period.
About Afromeev :
type his name in Google combined with the word “fraud” or “cheating”
and you will find some very interesting information about him !!
His driver, some of his friends,…
also have high ratings and he’s planning to arrange Elo-ratings for his cat and dog as well !
If you have a 2000+ rating and want to earn some money, go and play in tournaments organised by this man…
I expect him to enter top 10 within a year or so
Perhaps we could also have ratings published of … “Ghosts of chess players past” ?!?!
A recent article in the “Sun-Sentinel” paper read :
Ghosts of chess players past
Posted July 1 2007
“I asked Viktor Korchnoi if he thought he had really played against the ghost of Geza Maroczy. ‘Well, you can never be sure,’ he said. But my impression was he thought there was a good chance that he had.”
— Dutch grandmaster Hans Ree
Is there chess after death? A weird experiment to substantiate reincarnation was devised in 1985 by Dr. Wolfgang Eisenbeiss at the Swiss Institute of Parapsychology. A game between Korchnoi and the spirit of Maroczy slogged on by mail for eight years.
The conduit for White’s moves was Robert Rollins, a medium who claimed Maroczy’s spirit guided his hand on paper, a technique known as automatic writing. “Maroczy was actually able to enter my body and move my arm. I can’t play chess and never even liked the game, but when he plays through me I’m one of the best in the world. It’s eerie,” alleged Rollins.
I’m reminded of that old saw about a guy who was in jail for striking a happy medium. The game took so long because the medium moved only when the spirit moved him.
This great hokum was reported in The National Enquirer decades ago and was revived last year in a lead article for the British journal of Psychical Research. The authors claimed that private details provided by Maroczy through automatic writing were confirmed by research to be 94 percent accurate.
Maroczy died at age 81 in 1951. He was one of the world’s best players in his heyday at the turn of the 20th century. Hungary issued a stamp in his honor in 1974.
“Maroczy plays in an outmoded style that nobody uses today, but he’s tough,” said Korchnoi. Yet White had little hope after botching the opening. The real Maroczy faced the Winawer Variation four times, choosing 4 exd5 twice and 4 Nge2 twice instead of the uncharacteristic 4 e5. Correct was 12 Ng5! Nxe5 13 f4 Rxg5 14 fxg5 N5g6 15 h4. And 14 Ng5! was far stronger than entering an inferior and tedious endgame in this ghostly encounter.
Don’t FIDE proofread their stuff before releasing it?? Surely anybody with a reasonable knowledge of the top players in the world would have picked up the Adams error on a proofread. PATHETIC.
One shudders to think what other errors there might be that cannot be readily identified by the public at large.
Equally pathetic is the World Championship cycle.
One notices that 3 of the top 6 are not at Mexico, this farce that is supposed to be the ‘World Championship’. Ivanchuk and Mamedyarov (and also Radjabov) were of course knocked out of the cycle in FIDE’s ridiculous 2-game mini-matches at Kanty-Mansk in 2005.
As for the idiocies that are planned to follow on from Mexico, what can one say? PATHETIC.
Can’t something be done to rid the chess world of the dictators that rule FIDE, whom surely at least 95% of the chess world do not want there?
chesss444: “notices that 3 of the top 6 are not at Mexico, this farce that is supposed to be the ‘World Championship’. “
This is SPORT, man. It is ALWAYS like this. E.g. look at 1979 interzonals. Adorian got through, Timman didn’t. In 1973, Byrne got through into the candidates. The beauty of sport. Nobody cares for f…ng rating. You gotta win in the WC cycle – ratings don’t count.
i believe toti abundo, the hench man of campomanes [is he dead yet] is in charge of FIDE ratings.
he must not be paid regularly now that his boss campo is gone or dead.
yes, WC is first and foremost SPORT!
Kramnik can sit in Dortmund and think: i win – cool, I loose – nothing serious. When people (Chucky, etc) play in WC they know that if they lose they are out. This is a totally different mindset.And if you could not play under such conditions – good bye. This is why, imho grishchuk, gelfand, leko and aronian will finish mexico ahead of moro and svidler who did not have to play under pressure.
same story for everyone in Dortmund. A bad performance is bad, but nothing dramatic. That’s the difference between regular tourneys and WC.
If Kramnik had lost to Topa, he would have been out to start the new WC cicle from the bottom. BTW when Garry lost to Kramnik and never had the nerve to re-enter the candidates.
the worst thing FIDE could do is letting Topa to reenter. They should have started the new WC from the scratch. No matter who wins the Mexico.
Excelellent Blog!!! Victor.
May be a mispelling mistake? See ** below:
—As pointed out by chessdom, FIDE has miscalculated of a number of players. Topalov is still actually 2nd instead of 3rd with one point less than Kramnik. **Adams**(ANAND?) now only has 1 rating instead of 2. Kamsky gained one more point. Adams is at 2724 instead of 2731. Anyway, here is the corrected list:—