Endgame tricky pattern Chess tactic, Puzzle Solving White to move. How can white save this game? 5b2/p6Q/5q2/1p4kp/b7/P2BP3/5PKP/8 w – – 0 1 Chess Daily News from Susan Polgar
A “tricky endgame” with a mating attack?
1. h4! Kh4 (Kg4 2.Qe4 Qf4 3.Qf4#)
2. Qe4 Kg5
3. f4 Kg4 (Kh6 4.Qh7#; Kh4 4.f5)
4. Be2 Kh4
5. f5 Kg5
6. Qf4#
1. h4+ (moves)
2. Qe4+ Kg5
3. f4+ Kg4
4. f5+ Kg5
5. Qf4#
3. … Kh6
4, Qh7#
1)h4+ K x h4 2)Qe4+ Kg5 3)f4+ Kh6 4)Qh7#
Not much to explain. All forced moves.
1. h4+ Kxh4
2. Qe4+ Kg5
3. f4+ Kh4
4. f5+ Kg5
5. Qf4#
Best regards
Just the type of problem to match my intellect.
1h4+ Kxh4 (1… Kg4 2Qe4+)
2Qe4+ Kg5
Now if black Q were not there 3Qf4#
After 2 moves the same move occurs despite black Q.
3f4+ Kh4 or Kg4
4f5+ Kg5
{Piece of cake.} 1. h4+ Kxh4 2. Qe4+ Kg5 3. f4+ Kh4 (3. .. Kh6 4. Qh7#) 4.
f5+ Kg5 5. Qf4# 1-0
Dear Yancey,
Why not after 3… Kg4 4f5?Is 4Be2 necessary?