I cannot see an immediate mate, but at least white can win the exchange by 1. g5+ hxg5 2. fxg5+ Kxe5 3. Rxg7. Next move white can win the g6 pawn, which with a pass pawn on g5 and h3 should be something, white could even start thinking about returning the exchange in order to simplify.
Perhaps there might be a better way of using black king’s momentary quandary, but the rook is hanging and I don’t see it.
I can see anything better than winning the exchange: 1. g5+ hxg5 2. fxg5+ Kxe5 3. Rxg7 Bg6 4. Kf3 I imagine, black might be fine here, but that’s all i can see for now. Greets, Jan
I am terribly sorry that I have missed to mention one of the important assumption in my previous moves for it to get materialize.
The assumption is Black fails to bank on row cross.
If Black is stood enough to bank on it,then the result will be in favor of Black.
Judge Black’s knowledge of the game before employing the moves, if Black has sound Knowledge then the prospects for White’s win will begin with initial move of “R*Rg7”.(Rooks elimination).
In any game[Specifically chess] read the opponent before employing the moves,for the result to be in our favor.
g5+ hxg
fxg+ KxN
RxR 1-0
I cannot see an immediate mate, but at least white can win the exchange by 1. g5+ hxg5 2. fxg5+ Kxe5 3. Rxg7.
Next move white can win the g6 pawn, which with a pass pawn on g5 and h3 should be something, white could even start thinking about returning the exchange in order to simplify.
Perhaps there might be a better way of using black king’s momentary quandary, but the rook is hanging and I don’t see it.
I can see anything better than winning the exchange:
1. g5+ hxg5
2. fxg5+ Kxe5
3. Rxg7 Bg6
4. Kf3
I imagine, black might be fine here, but that’s all i can see for now.
Greets, Jan
Looks like
1. g5 hg5
2. fg5 Ke5
3. Rg7 wins the exchange, and the g-pawn of black will fall, too, I think.
Will look a bit longer for something better, but nothing jumps out at me in the first minute.
1.g5+ hxg5 2.fxg5+ Kxe5 3.Rxg7 wins exchange
I like
g5 hxg5
fxg5 Kx Knight
1g5+ hxg5
2fxg5+ Kxg5
3Rg7 …
ignore previous comment please…
1. g5+ hxg5
2. fxg5+ Kxe5
3. Rxg7 Bf7
White should be able to extract the rook.
How about 1. g5+ hxg5 2. fxg5+ kxe5 3. Rxg7.
Is this really an endgame tactic?
1.g5+ should win the exchange and the game
g5+ wins the exchange.
1.g5+ hxg5, 2.fxg5+ Kxe5 looks winning. Phil
It looks like the idea is to try to win Black’s rook
by sacrificing the White knight and a White pawn.
1. g5+ Pxg5 2. Pxg5+ Kxe5 3.Rxg7
1. g5+, hxg5
2. fxg5+, Kxg5
3. Rxg7
Simple and straightforward.
1. g5+ hxg5
2. fxg5+ Kxe5
3. Rxg7
and white goes an exchange up.
g5+ forcing King to leave the rook on g7 unguarded, so it can be taken by rook on c7.
After h6xg5, f4xg5, Kxe5 then c5xg7. Exchange of knight for a rook.
1. g5 h*g
2. Ng4
1. g5+
2. Ng4
Hi Susan Polgar,
Ref: “Endgame chess tactic”
Sub: White wins the game[White has to move]
I am giving here,initial moves,rest of the moves should be a child’s play for best White player.
1.g5+ h*g5
2.f*g5 K8g5
3.R*Rg7 ..
thereon many variations available for White to win based on Black’s move.
Venky[Chennai – India]
Hi Susan Polgar,
I am terribly sorry that I have missed to mention one of the important assumption in my previous moves for it to get materialize.
The assumption is Black fails to bank on row cross.
If Black is stood enough to bank on it,then the result will be in favor of Black.
Judge Black’s knowledge of the game before employing the moves,
if Black has sound Knowledge then the prospects for White’s win will begin with initial move of “R*Rg7”.(Rooks elimination).
In any game[Specifically chess] read the opponent before employing the moves,for the result to be in our favor.
Venky[Chennai – India]
I would play 1.g5+ hxg 2.fxg5+ Kxe5 3.Rxg7 Bf7 4.Bb5 and i really do not think that Black has any drawing chance !
Hi Susan Polgar,
Well,I think everybody is comfortable without the mid – board row crossing rule,so my first set moves posted initially applies and wins the game.
Venky[Chennai – India]