Endgame challenge Chess tactic, Puzzle Solving White to move. Can White win this?Rinck 1918, presented by Andreas 4K1B1/8/8/4pk2/7B/4P3/7p/8 w – – 0 1 Chess Daily News from Susan Polgar
1. Bd5 e4
2. Kf7 h1=Q
3. Be6+ Ke5
4. Bg3#
1. Bd5 e4
2. Kf7 Kg4
3. Bxe4
…should queen easily while stopping black’s pawn
1. Bh7+ Kg4
2. Bf6 +-
”1. Bh7+ Kg4
2. Bf6 +-”
2.Bf6?? h1Q -+
Oh right, I got two ideas mixed up.
1.Bd5 e4 2.Kf7 h1Q 3.Be6+ Ke5 4.Bg3++
1.Bd5 e4 2.Kf7 Ke5 4.Bg3+ Kxd5 5.Bxh2 and White wins
1.Bd5 e4 2.Kf7 Ke5 4.Bg3+ Kxd5 5.Bxh2 and White wins”
1.Bd5 e4 2.Kf7 Ke5 3.Be6 looks much better.