Tanuj bags Gold at Pan-Am Youth with perfect score!
Currently the youngest FIDE Master at 8 years 2 months and 3 days
Report by Chessdom.com

Tanuj Vasudeva is eight year old kid from Bunker Elementary school in Newark, CA. He has been playing chess for about 3 years. He plays mostly in adult tournaments in San Francisco bay area. As the #1 ranked under 8 years old in the US, he qualified as the official representative for US team to Pan American Youth Championships 2009 at Mar Del Plata, Argentina.

Pan American Youth is the most prestigious chess tournament for youths from North and South America. This year’s event had representation of top kids from 17 countries.

Tanuj was the only perfect score at the event with 9 out of 9 in Under 8 Open section. His win at Pan American earned him the title of FIDE Master. He is currently the youngest FIDE Master at 8 years 2 months and 3 days. Tanuj is preparing to play at the World Youth Chess Championship, which is starting next week in Kemer-Antalya.

To make it even more memorable it was the best ever performance from US team with 8 medals in total. US team finished with most gold medals at the event with a tally of 5 gold, 2 silvers and 1 Bronze.

US Team Medalists:

Tanuj Vasudeva U-8 Open Gold – 9.0
Annie Wang U-8 Girls Gold – 7.5S
imone Liao U-10 Girls Gold – 7.5
Tommy He U-10 Open Bronze – 6.5
Arthur Shen U-12 Open Silver – 7.0
Daniel Rozovsky U-14 Open Gold – 7.5
Victor Shen U-16 Open Gold – 7.5
Andrew Shvartsman U-16 Open Silver – 6.5

Complete results

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