In my first post it seems I had a black rook on a8. It isn’t there.
1. Qf6+ Kh6 (Kg8? Nd8! goes down clearly faster) 2. g4! Qe2! (preventing Qf3 and now black has a threat with the bishop as well as Q(x)g4 threat) 3. g5+ Kh5 4. Qh8!
Here I don’t think black finds a way out of it. Qg4+ Rg3 should not help at all. E.g:
A-1….Kh6?.2.g4.Qxc3.3.Qxc3.and white wins as he has a Q vs R+B plus a mating attack; moreover the black knight is quite lost which will leave white with Q vs R.
B-1….Kg8..2.Nxf8! • If B1-2…Kxf8.3.Qh8# • If B2-2…Rxf8.3.Ne7# • If B3-2…Qxc3.3.Qxc3. and white wins as in A1; white has Q vs R+B with a loss of knight on the way. • If B4-2…Nb3/c2.3.Ne6!!. o If B41-3..fxe6.4.Ne7# o If B42-3..Qxc3.4.Ne7# o If B43-3..any other move.4.Qg7# • If B5-2…Re8..3.Ne6!! o If B51-3..fxe6.4.dxe6. If B511-4…Rf8?.4.Ne7# If B512-4…Qxc3.5.white can win by Qc3 as in A1 or even by 5.Qf7+.Kh8.6.Qxe8+.Kg7.7.Qf7+.Kh6.8.e7 and making a new queen while black king is still in a mating net! amusing alternative here is 5.e7!.Qg7.(Rxe7 allows 6.Qf8#!) 6.Qxe8+.Qg8.7.Qxg8.Kxg8.8.e8=Q+ If B513-4…Rxe6.5.Qxe6+ and black wins easily with Rf3 etc. o If B52-3..Rxe6.4.dxe6. If B521-4…Qxc3. 5.Ne7+.Kf8. 6.Qxf7# If B522-4…Bxc6.5.Qxf7+.Kh8. 6.Qf8# o If B53-3…Qxc3.4.Qxc3 and white wins easily as in A1 etc o If B54-3…any other move..4.Qg7# • If B6-2…Bxc6.3.Ne6!! o If B61-3…fxe6.4.Qxe6+.Kg7. 5.Rf3!. If B5611-5…Rf8.6.Qe7+.Kh3.7.Qxf8+.Kh5 and white will mate black king (if 7…Qg7.8.Qf4+.g5.9.Qxd6+.Kh5.10.g4+!. and white mates) If B5612-5…Rxc6.6.Qf7+.Kh3. 7.Qf8+.Kh5 and white will mate black king o If B62-3…Qxc3.5.Qxc3.fxe6. 6.dxc6 and white wins easily as in A1 above (now even simpler)
1.Qf6+ Kg8 2.Nd8!
Or 1…Kh6 2.Nd4!
1. Qf6+ Kg8 (alternative below)
2. Nd8!!
The threat is Rxc3/Qxc3? Qxf7+ Kh8 Qxf8#.
2. … Rxd8 (what else?)
3. Qxd8 h5 (only against Qxf8#)
4. Qxf8+ Kh6
5. Nf6#
1. Qf6+ Kh6
2. g4!!
The threat is g5+ Kh5 Qf3+ Kxh4 Qf4+ Kh5 Rh3#. There should only be delaying sacks. Be7/Bg7 prevents nothing.
2. … Qxc3 (what else?)
3. Qxc3 a2 (otherwise the threat was the same)
4. g5+ Kh5
5. Qf3+ Kxh4
6. Qg3+! Kh5
7. Kh3! Ra3 (what else?)
8. Qxa3 Nb3/Nc2
9. Qxa2
1 – 0
There could be other variations, but generally the two ideas Nd8 or g4 after Qf6+ look “waterproof” to me…
In my first post it seems I had a black rook on a8. It isn’t there.
1. Qf6+ Kh6 (Kg8? Nd8! goes down clearly faster)
2. g4! Qe2! (preventing Qf3 and now black has a threat with the bishop as well as Q(x)g4 threat)
3. g5+ Kh5
4. Qh8!
Here I don’t think black finds a way out of it. Qg4+ Rg3 should not help at all. E.g:
4. … h6
5. Nxf8! Rxf8
6. Qxf8! Kxh4 (otherwise Rg3)
7. Qxh6+ Kg4
8. Rg3#
1.Qf6+ Kg8
2.Nd8 Rxd8
3.Qxd8 h6
4.Qxf8+ Kh7
5.Nf6# almost everything is forced.
This is really really difficult. Nakamura might be having a problem solving this puzzling puzzling puzzle.
A-1….Kh6?.2.g4.Qxc3.3.Qxc3.and white wins as he has a Q vs R+B plus a mating attack; moreover the black knight is quite lost which will leave white with Q vs R.
• If B1-2…Kxf8.3.Qh8#
• If B2-2…Rxf8.3.Ne7#
• If B3-2…Qxc3.3.Qxc3. and white wins as in A1; white has Q vs R+B with a loss of knight on the way.
• If B4-2…Nb3/c2.3.Ne6!!.
o If B41-3..fxe6.4.Ne7#
o If B42-3..Qxc3.4.Ne7#
o If B43-3..any other move.4.Qg7#
• If B5-2…Re8..3.Ne6!!
o If B51-3..fxe6.4.dxe6.
If B511-4…Rf8?.4.Ne7#
If B512-4…Qxc3.5.white can win by Qc3 as in A1 or even by 5.Qf7+.Kh8.6.Qxe8+.Kg7.7.Qf7+.Kh6.8.e7 and making a new queen while black king is still in a mating net! amusing alternative here is 5.e7!.Qg7.(Rxe7 allows 6.Qf8#!) 6.Qxe8+.Qg8.7.Qxg8.Kxg8.8.e8=Q+
If B513-4…Rxe6.5.Qxe6+ and black wins easily with Rf3 etc.
o If B52-3..Rxe6.4.dxe6.
If B521-4…Qxc3. 5.Ne7+.Kf8. 6.Qxf7#
If B522-4…Bxc6.5.Qxf7+.Kh8. 6.Qf8#
o If B53-3…Qxc3.4.Qxc3 and white wins easily as in A1 etc
o If B54-3…any other move..4.Qg7#
• If B6-2…Bxc6.3.Ne6!!
o If B61-3…fxe6.4.Qxe6+.Kg7. 5.Rf3!.
If B5611-5…Rf8.6.Qe7+.Kh3.7.Qxf8+.Kh5 and white will mate black king (if 7…Qg7.8.Qf4+.g5.9.Qxd6+.Kh5.10.g4+!. and white mates)
If B5612-5…Rxc6.6.Qf7+.Kh3. 7.Qf8+.Kh5 and white will mate black king
o If B62-3…Qxc3.5.Qxc3.fxe6. 6.dxc6 and white wins easily as in A1 above (now even simpler)
what’s the rating of this puzzle?
what’s the rating of this puzzle? does any one know?
Qf6+, Kg8 2)Nd8 Bg7 3)Qf7+ Kh8 4)QE8+ & WINS
1)Qf6+ kh6 2)Nce5 threatening Nf7+ or Ng4+ , de5 3)Ne5 qe2 4)Nf7+ kh5 5)Qg5#