Dear Mr. President, STOP THE MADNESS
Dear Second Term President Obama – Part 2
Dr. King wrote: “Nothing in all the world is more dangerous than sincere ignorance and conscientious stupidity.”
I do not doubt that your intentions and those of Mr. Duncan and others are sincere. I do doubt the intentions of those attempting to profit from education and oppressing authentic learning of our most vulnerable children. You do not lead with “rear-view mirror thinking.” Please do not lead with “good intention blindness.” Mr. President…
Stop ignoring the denigration and vilification of teachers.
Stop ignoring children birth to five.
Stop consenting corporate profiteering on the backs of unsuspecting children.
Stop warehousing kids and enabling plantation politics.
I reiterate: The only way you can screw this up is by replacing Arne Duncan with Michelle Rhee. So, please, stop this madness. Educating every child is not as challenging as it appears but we are on the wrong course.
The USCF can fix this. Pay them $1 billion and they’ll fix everything.
Obama is satisfied with the current current media and the education system. He needed the current systems for his big wins.