1) g4, threatening 2) g5+ should do it. Obviously, 1) —, g5 loses to 2) hxg5+, Kg6, and now 3) Qf6#. White threatens 2) g5+, Kh5, and 3) Qxh7#, and if Black tries Qg8 or h8, the outcome is merely similar: 2) g5+, Kh5, 3) Qe2+, Bf3, 4) Qxf3+, Kxh4, and now 5) Qg4#.
I messed up because I looked at 1. g4 Qh8 first ( after a lot of other first moves ) and saw it as an opportunity to win Black’s Q after Qe3+ Kg7 Qd4+ Kg8 and Be6+ and then I saw the right continuation after 1. … Qg8 but I didn’t think of applying that to the 1. … Qh8 line.
For Lenny and worldwide crew…Yes your visualization is on money after your 1.Pg2-g4! with mate in two in mind. Now look very closely..if Black tried to open a fire exit with your further suggested move 1 g4 PG6-G5 what is whites very best reply ? THIS COMES UP All Time TIME IN PRACTICAL PLAY. Jude Acers/ New Orleans
1) g4, threatening 2) g5+ should do it. Obviously, 1) —, g5 loses to 2) hxg5+, Kg6, and now 3) Qf6#. White threatens 2) g5+, Kh5, and 3) Qxh7#, and if Black tries Qg8 or h8, the outcome is merely similar: 2) g5+, Kh5, 3) Qe2+, Bf3, 4) Qxf3+, Kxh4, and now 5) Qg4#.
I messed up because I looked at 1. g4 Qh8 first ( after a lot of other first moves ) and saw it as an opportunity to win Black’s Q after Qe3+ Kg7 Qd4+ Kg8 and Be6+ and then I saw the right continuation after 1. … Qg8 but I didn’t think of applying that to the 1. … Qh8 line.
For Lenny and worldwide crew…Yes your visualization is on money after your 1.Pg2-g4! with mate in two in mind. Now look very closely..if Black tried to open a fire exit with your further suggested move 1 g4 PG6-G5 what is whites very best reply ? THIS COMES UP All Time TIME IN PRACTICAL PLAY. Jude Acers/ New Orleans
Fajac has already spotted my error: Qxg5 is mate. I now see that Qf6 is also mate. I tend to find less-efficient mates!
Putting it all together:
1. g4 Qg8/h8
— 1. … g5 2.Qxg5#
— 1. … a2 (e.g.) 2.g5+ Kh5 3. Qxh7#
2. g5+ Kh5
3. Qe2+ Bf3
4. Qxf3+ Kxh4
5. Qxg4#