I like 1….Neg4 2. fg Re2 – the Q cannot maintain the defense of f2, so after, say, 3. Qc1 R:f2+ 4. K:f2 Qe2+ 5. Kg1 N:g4 White has no defense to mate. Or 3. Qd4 R:f2+ 4. K:f2 Ng4+ and the discovered attack wins the White Q for a minor piece, leaving Black with a Q for a couple of minor pieces.
the line is good but black has to give up Q when black still has some advantage.
1…Neg4 2.fxg4 Re2 3.Bxf6 Rxd2 4.Rdxd2 Bxf6 5.Rxf6 Qc6+ 6.Kh2 Re1 7.Nf3
I want to learn chess…
With all the cricket you play,do you get time for chess?
1 .. Neg4
2 fxg4 Nxg4
3 Bxg7 Re2
4 Rxe2 Rxe2 etc
if 2 Bxf6 Re2
3 fxg4 Rxd2
4 Rxd2 Re2+
5 Kh1 Rxd2
6 Rxd2 Bxf6
and black should win
1. … Neg4! should win.
2. fxg4 Nxg4
3. Bxg7 What else?
3.Rff1 Re2+ winning the queen
3.Rdf1 Nxf2 4.Rxf2 Bxa1 with an exchange for Black
3. … Nxf2
4. Ba1 Re2
5. Qd4 threatening mate
5. … Ng4+
6. Kh1
6.Kf1 Re1++ 7.Kg2 Qe2+ 8.Kh3 Qh2#
6.Kh3 Rh2#
6.Kg1 Re1+ see below
6. … Re1+
7. Rxe1 Rxe1+
8. Kg2
8.Qg1 Rxg1+ 9.Kxg1 Qe2 with mate in a few moves
8. … Qe2+
9. Kh3 Qh2# 9.Qf2 only delayes
8…. Qf1#
But I was thinking of something like
1…Nxf3 2.Nxf3 Re2 3.Qd3 Qxd3 4.Rxd3 Ng4 5.Rxe2 Rxe2+ 6.Kg1 Bxa1
I like 1….Neg4 2. fg Re2 – the Q cannot maintain the defense of f2, so after, say, 3. Qc1 R:f2+ 4. K:f2 Qe2+ 5. Kg1 N:g4 White has no defense to mate. Or 3. Qd4 R:f2+ 4. K:f2 Ng4+ and the discovered attack wins the White Q for a minor piece, leaving Black with a Q for a couple of minor pieces.
the line is good but black has to give up Q when black still has some advantage.
1…Neg4 2.fxg4 Re2 3.Bxf6 Rxd2 4.Rdxd2 Bxf6 5.Rxf6 Qc6+ 6.Kh2 Re1 7.Nf3