1. Rd4!!! Covering e5 and threatening Qh8#!
Black has no defense against next move mate.
Protecting h8 by
1….Ng6 results in 2. Qd5#
1….Be8 results in 2. Nd3#
Trying to cover f6 by 1…Qd6 results in 2.Qxd6#
1…Qxd4 results in 2. Qxe7#
Key to obtaining the solution is understanding need to cover e4 square through which BK can escape.
Rd4 ?
1. Rd4!!! Covering e5 and threatening Qh8#!
Black has no defense against next move mate.
Protecting h8 by
1….Ng6 results in 2. Qd5#
1….Be8 results in 2. Nd3#
Trying to cover f6 by 1…Qd6 results in 2.Qxd6#
1…Qxd4 results in 2. Qxe7#
Key to obtaining the solution is understanding need to cover e4 square through which BK can escape.
A note:
Rd4 introduces a mate threat on h8,
prevents Qf4:+ and Ke4 on the move.
This overloads the defense.
Very pretty!