Yes, this is sort of busted with a title of “Mate in 5”, isn’t it?
This took me almost 10 minutes before I gave up on the queen checks from the 7th rank at move 2- all the lines there don’t lead to mate and probably don’t even lead to a draw for white- simply can’t cut off the escapes once you let the king off of e6 Only then did I even think about Ke3 at any point, then it hit me like a thunderbolt- get the black queen off of the h-file with no sights on h6.
I reached the same conclusion that Alena did. After 3) … Kxe4, I simply cannot find a mate in two. I think we have a “solution,” but we also have a “cook.”
1. c5+ Ke6
2. f5+ Ke5
3. Qb8+ Qxb8
4. Ke3 any move
5. f4#
If the black doesn’t accept queen sacrifice 3…Kxe4 I don’t know how to mate in 5.
Yes, this is sort of busted with a title of “Mate in 5”, isn’t it?
This took me almost 10 minutes before I gave up on the queen checks from the 7th rank at move 2- all the lines there don’t lead to mate and probably don’t even lead to a draw for white- simply can’t cut off the escapes once you let the king off of e6 Only then did I even think about Ke3 at any point, then it hit me like a thunderbolt- get the black queen off of the h-file with no sights on h6.
A worthy puzzle even with the mis-title.
That should have read “queen checks from the 7th rank at move 3” and “king off of e5”
I reached the same conclusion that Alena did. After 3) … Kxe4, I simply cannot find a mate in two. I think we have a “solution,” but we also have a “cook.”
I agree. 3) … Kxe4 [or 3) … Kd4] spoils the mate-in-5, but it’s still the best line for white.
I get mate in 4.
1. c5+ Ke6
2. f5+ Ke5
3. Ke3 Qh6+
4. f4#
Unfortunately, Mark, black just takes the pawn with the queen.