Yes, 1.Rb7 is much better than 1.d7. In the latter line, white will probably have a pawn advantage (a passed a-pawn) in a rook ending, but I doubt it is a forced win. For example:
And white would find winning this tough with best play. This sort of position is one I would have to put into a chess engine to have any answer as to whether or not the edge is decisive.
A question about Alena’s solution – suppose you have 1. R:b7+ B:b. If 2. d7 Rc8! Capturing 3. d:c=Q B:c 4. Nc5 puts the Knight in a dominant position but Black is holding, and 3. Nd6 Rd8 4. R:b R:d Black is a little better. What am I missing here?
1. Rxb7+ Kh6
2. Rb6 Rxc4
3. Nf6 Rc5
4. d7 Bxd7
5. Nxd7 Rxa5
It’s a winning position for white
Yes, 1.Rb7 is much better than 1.d7. In the latter line, white will probably have a pawn advantage (a passed a-pawn) in a rook ending, but I doubt it is a forced win. For example:
1. d7?! Bd7
2. Rb7 fe4
3. Rd7 Kf6
4. fe4 Rc4
5. Rd6 Ke5
6. Ra6 Re4
And white would find winning this tough with best play. This sort of position is one I would have to put into a chess engine to have any answer as to whether or not the edge is decisive.
Alena, I left you a comment on the previous puzzle just now.
A question about Alena’s solution – suppose you have 1. R:b7+ B:b. If 2. d7 Rc8! Capturing 3. d:c=Q B:c 4. Nc5 puts the Knight in a dominant position but Black is holding, and 3. Nd6 Rd8 4. R:b R:d Black is a little better. What am I missing here?