One has to look a bit further. White is a piece down already, so Black can
get some compensation even after losing Q.
1. Bd7 Qxd7 2. e6+ Qd6 (and now simple 3. Bxd6+ Bxd6 leaves Black with 3 pieces
for Q and possibly playable position, eg. 4. Qxd5 Bc7 5. exf Be6 and Black will
probably soon retake pawn f7, put B on b6 and still fight.)
3. Qa3! is a killer though. White wins Q without losing another piece of
its own. Some 3… Bxe6 4. Bxd6 Bxd6 5. Qxd6+ Ka8 6. Rxc8 Bxc8 7. Qxd5 should be enough:
only B and N versus Q and 2 pawns and very active white pieces. The end.
Black defends a bit better with 1. ….Nc6, but white still has a queen for two minor pieces when the smoke clears- but black’s pieces are much better coordinated unlike the line where black takes at d7 at move 1. In that line, I think I can hold the advantage to Q+R vs R+B+N, but black’s position is so loose I can’t be sure he can hang on to the three pieces.
Bd7 looks good
1.Bd7 is excellent. Threatens 2.Rxc8# among other things.
One has to look a bit further. White is a piece down already, so Black can
get some compensation even after losing Q.
1. Bd7 Qxd7 2. e6+ Qd6 (and now simple 3. Bxd6+ Bxd6 leaves Black with 3 pieces
for Q and possibly playable position, eg. 4. Qxd5 Bc7 5. exf Be6 and Black will
probably soon retake pawn f7, put B on b6 and still fight.)
3. Qa3! is a killer though. White wins Q without losing another piece of
its own. Some 3… Bxe6 4. Bxd6 Bxd6 5. Qxd6+ Ka8 6. Rxc8 Bxc8 7. Qxd5 should be enough:
only B and N versus Q and 2 pawns and very active white pieces. The end.
The clear airspace between a3 and g3 makes 3.Qa3 click.
Black defends a bit better with 1. ….Nc6, but white still has a queen for two minor pieces when the smoke clears- but black’s pieces are much better coordinated unlike the line where black takes at d7 at move 1. In that line, I think I can hold the advantage to Q+R vs R+B+N, but black’s position is so loose I can’t be sure he can hang on to the three pieces.
Hello Friends!
What about 1. Rf6 it is maybe more exciting? Bxf6 is forced, otherwise black Q is lost
1. Rf6 Bxf6 forced, as the black Q is blocked
2. exf6+ Rc7 (Ka8 3. Rxc8 mate)
3. Rxc7 any black move picks up the black Queen
?? 1. Rf6?? Rxc1+ 2. Kf2 Qc8 Black wins
1.Rxc8+ Kxc8
2.Rf6 wins the black Queen
Not really. After 1. Rxc8 Kxc8 King is out of the b8-g3 diagonal, so 2. Rf6 Bxf6
and there is no check after 3. ef6, so Black is Rook up.
In addition, after 1. Rxc8 Qxc8 I cannot see anything deadly either.
Eg. 2. Bd7 Qc4; 2. e6+ Ka8, etc.
It seems that 1. Bd7 stands as the best blow :-)))