In the given position white was a piece down and it was just regained after capturing B.
Go further 6…. Bd5 is killing threatening 7…. Rd2#
But white can play after 4…. Rd8+
5.Qd3 Qc3+
6.Ke2 Rxd3
7.cxd3 and black has Q for R.
and a passed P on b-file.
1. … Ra1+
2. Bxa1 Qa2+
3. Kc1 Qxa1+
4. Kd2 Rd8+
5. Ke2 or Ke1 Qxd1+
Black is up a bishop
In the given position white was a piece down and it was just regained after capturing B.
Go further 6…. Bd5 is killing threatening 7…. Rd2#
But white can play after 4…. Rd8+
5.Qd3 Qc3+
6.Ke2 Rxd3
7.cxd3 and black has Q for R.
and a passed P on b-file.
Read 6… Bc5 (After reading bill’s comment below)
ba1 qa2
kc1 qa8
kd2 rd8
ke2 qd8
kf7 bc5
qc5 rd2
ke3 qe2++