White to move. Play out this position. Even though White is down by 2 Pawns, with perfect play, White can win. Play to win as White and try your best to hold the game as Black.
I was wondering what happened.. ’cause the blog has not updated since 3 days.This is the first time I noticed from the past 6 months I started checking this blog 2 o r 3 times a day.
My first idea is 1.Rd2 Qmoves 2.Qd3, with a double attack on the rook and bishop.
Then the question is what happens after 1.Rd2 Qe6 2.Qd3 Qe1, threatening mate on g1.
1.Rd2 Qe6 2.Qd3 Qe6 3.Qxd7+ Kb6 (attempting to escape through a5) 4.Qd8+ looks ilke it must mate. and 3…Ka8 4.Qd8+ Kb7 5.Rd7+ definitely does.
ha – no e6 in this puzzle 🙂
1.rd2 – an obvious move – the black queen has 4 squares to retreat and simultaneously defend the bishop on d7
a)1…qc6, 2.qd3 +-
b)1…qc7, 2.qd3 +-
c)1…qe6, 2.qd3 +-
d)1…qe7, 2.qd3 +-
in either case the rook or the bishop will fall to white hands … the rest is technique … 🙂 (if i’m right!)
🙂 Vohaul
1. Rd2 Qe6
2. Qd3 Ra1
3. Qc3 Rxa2
4. Qxc5+ Ka8
5. Rd6 Qc4
6. Qxc4 bxc4
7. Rxd7 f4
8. Ne4 a5
9. Rh7 a4
10. Rxh6 Kb7
11. Nd6+ +-
Hi Susan,
I was wondering what happened.. ’cause the blog has not updated since 3 days.This is the first time I noticed
from the past 6 months I started checking this blog 2 o r 3 times a day.
Hope you are doing well.I am little concerned.
It has been updated daily as usual. Perhaps your screen does not refresh very well?
Best wishes,
Susan Polgar