Create your own caption Lubbock, SPF, SPICE, SPICE Cup, TTU Post game analysis (Onischuk vs. Perelshteyn) Chess Daily News from Susan Polgar
The Geeks in their natural environment — staring at a chess board and ignoring the beautiful woman.
5 minutes after the guys purposely ignore Susan.
(This is one darn sloooooow web site.)
The sets in the skittles room aren’t as good as the ones in the main playing room.
Onichuk: So, guys this is why the Donkey was crying…
Susan walks up to group:
Susan: So, why did the Donkey cry?
Onichuk: oh, yah, um….*gulp*
Akobian: Yeah! Why did the Donkey cry?
Konstantine: Wow, you guys are masters! Why did the Donkey cry?
It’s a pretty picture. It’s very interesting to see how everyone, you are absorbed by the Caissa position that he proposes.
“And now my opponent forgot about the Spice Cup Rule: if an enemy piece lands on a corner square marked ‘SPICE’, you can pick it up!”
Uh, that’s not Konstantine, that’s Boris from Physics department. 🙂
Boris: So, what is big deal about Donkey?