Create your own caption Chess caption Put on your creative hat. Can you create a clever caption? 🙂 Chess Daily News from Susan Polgar
“Zeesh, We should have used a chess clock…”
Brad H.
Chess before the invention of the 50 move rule.
Well Judit, you might as well checkmate me now becuase I have nothing left to take off.
Sudden Death time control is in effect.
A chess clock would have prevented this!
“You play for keepsakes, I play for keeps.”
Wonder if she had any fabric left after she made the drapes and the dress. I could use a snazzy new hooded cloak.
An intimidating chess opponent!!!
An intimidating chess opponent!!!
Death and the Maiden.
strip chess:
oh no, what do i do if she takes another piece!
Cheating Death.
No caption here. I just wondering what she’s wearing under that obviously Photoshopped dress. Visiting the website noted in the corner, I can see why discrete editing was probably necessary.
I did notice, though, that her goblet has fallen on the floor, but I’m guessing it’s the skeletal Death who can’t hold his liquor – literally.
A mate with death
You REAP what you sac.
“This presentation of the World Chess Championship is brought to you by the Atkins Diet.”