Corus chess tactic Chess tactic, Puzzle Solving White to move. How should White proceed? Source: Chess Daily News from Susan Polgar
This one looks really easy, so I must be wrong:~)
1. Rg5 Qg5
2. Rg2 Qg2 (Kf6 3. Rg5 wins)j
3. Kg2 and black’s king is helpless against the two passed, connected queenside pawns.
easy, rook takes pawn on g5, and then rook to g2, entering easy won pawn ending
Rxg5+ and Rg2 if Queen takes the rook…
Rxg5+ and Rg2 after Queen takes the rook on g5
1.Rxg5+ Qxg5 2.Rg2
Txg5 and Tg2 wins.
1. R:g5+ Q:g5 2. Rg2 wins easily.
rxg5+ qxg5 2. Rg2 game
Rxg5+! Qxg5 Rg2 and the b pawn promotes
rxg5+ 1-0
1. Rxg5+Qxg5
2. Rg2