The fork from b4 is pretty obvious- what isn’t completely obvious is seeing that black cannot defend by taking on the first move, however, the queen has no good place from which to defend the knight afterwards:
1. b4 Qb4 (or concede the piece) 2. Bd2
Another obvious move, but now it isn’t easy to see what black can to do to prevent Bxa5:
2. …..Qa3 (Qa4 3.Qa4 wins) 3. Re3 and the queen will be driven way, or exchanged at a4 anyway. White will win a piece for a pawn.
Start with a fork and it comes out beautifully. Very nice puzzle
1. b4 Qxb4 (forced)
2. Bd2 Qa3 (forced)
If 2…..Qa4 then 3. QxQ 4. BxN
3. Re3 1-0
The Queen has to go a square leaving the Knight undefended!
1.b4 Qxb4 2.Bd2 Qa3 3.Re3 looks good.
The fork from b4 is pretty obvious- what isn’t completely obvious is seeing that black cannot defend by taking on the first move, however, the queen has no good place from which to defend the knight afterwards:
1. b4 Qb4 (or concede the piece)
2. Bd2
Another obvious move, but now it isn’t easy to see what black can to do to prevent Bxa5:
2. …..Qa3 (Qa4 3.Qa4 wins)
3. Re3 and the queen will be driven way, or exchanged at a4 anyway. White will win a piece for a pawn.