There are two moves to catch my eye as beginnings- Ne7 and f3. I think both win, but Ne7 looks a bit stronger to me since it leads to a more easily won ending:
1. Ne7 Kg7 (Kh8 2.N5g6+-) 2. N7g6!
The hard move to spot. White is clearing the line to e7 for the queen while also undermining the g6 square, and all of this in addition to forking the queen and rook. Continuing:
2. ……hg6 (alternatives below) 3. Qe7! Kg8
Or [3. …Kh6 4.Qf8 Kh5 5.Qh8+-]; or [3. …Kh8 4.Qf8 Kh7 5.Qf7 with mate on the next move]; or [3. …Rf7 4.Qf7 with mate on the next move]. Continuing:
4. Qf8! Kf8 5. Ng6 wins the exchange and the game.
Back at move 2, black had alternatives, but none of them look better to me than capturing at g6:
1. Kh8,Ne7g6 (grand fork)
2. Kg7,Ne7g6 (forking rook and queen), hxg6,Qe7+,Kg8 (defending rook),Qe6+,Kg7,Qg6+,Kh8,Qh5+
Now i’m lost 🙂
There are two moves to catch my eye as beginnings- Ne7 and f3. I think both win, but Ne7 looks a bit stronger to me since it leads to a more easily won ending:
1. Ne7 Kg7 (Kh8 2.N5g6+-)
2. N7g6!
The hard move to spot. White is clearing the line to e7 for the queen while also undermining the g6 square, and all of this in addition to forking the queen and rook. Continuing:
2. ……hg6 (alternatives below)
3. Qe7! Kg8
Or [3. …Kh6 4.Qf8 Kh5 5.Qh8+-]; or [3. …Kh8 4.Qf8 Kh7 5.Qf7 with mate on the next move]; or [3. …Rf7 4.Qf7 with mate on the next move]. Continuing:
4. Qf8! Kf8
5. Ng6 wins the exchange and the game.
Back at move 2, black had alternatives, but none of them look better to me than capturing at g6:
1. Ne7 Kg7
2. N7g6 Qh6
3. Qh6 Kh6
4. Nf8 wins a rook.
2. …..Qg5
3. Qg5 Ng5
4. Nf8 Kf8
5. Nc4 dc4
6. Re5 wins an exchange, and probably 3 more pawns to boot.
2. …..Qf2
3. Qf2 Nf2
4. Nf8 Nd3
5. Nd3 Bd3
6. Ne6 wins a rook overall.
“5rk1/7p/p1N5/3pNp2/2bPnqpQ/P7/1P3PPP/4R1K1 w – f6 0 33”
what does it means ?
@ aldanjah said…
“5rk1/7p/p1N5/3pNp2/2bPnqpQ/P7/1P3PPP/4R1K1 w – f6 0 33”
what does it means ?
It’s called Forsyth–Edwards Notation and it describes the board position of the problem.