I see a gain of a queen and a gaining back of the knight here… after the rook sacrifice and pawn check, 4… Kh7 instead of Kg8 (leading to mate), then 5. gxf8+ Kg6 6. dxd6 dxe7, and after 7. fxe7 Nxd5 8. e4+ (winning blacks knight) white is a queen ahead. Black should resign.
Rh8 Kh8
g7 Kg8
if 2…Kh7 then f8Q and white will be up a queen
if 2.. Kh7 then
3. Qh8+ ..
4. g8(Q)+
and with the exchange of queens white is at least a rook ahead
rh8+ kxh8 qxf8 mate
1. Rh8+ Kxh8
2. g7+ Kh7
3. gxf8+Q Rxe7
4. Qxe7+ Kg6
5. Rxd5 wins
2. Qxf8+ Qg8
3. Qh6+ Rh7
4. gxh7 Qxh7
5. Rd8#
There are other side variations, but after Rh8+ white is winning easily.
What is wrong with Q h7 mate?
If you mean 1.Qh7, then Black plays 1… RxQ
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I see a gain of a queen and a gaining back of the knight here… after the rook sacrifice and pawn check, 4… Kh7 instead of Kg8 (leading to mate), then 5. gxf8+ Kg6 6. dxd6 dxe7, and after 7. fxe7 Nxd5 8. e4+ (winning blacks knight) white is a queen ahead. Black should resign.