“Not that it makes a difference, but 2.Qxd4 is flashier.”
Flashier, as long as Black plays along with 2…exd4, but Black, being the killjoy that Black can be, would probably play 2…Qxd4, taking all that fun away.
“Flashier, as long as Black plays along with 2…exd4, but Black, being the killjoy that Black can be, would probably play 2…Qxd4, taking all that fun away.
I think that was why bill said 2. Qd4 and not 1. Qxd4. After 2. … Qxd4 white’s fun continues with 3. Re8+ and 4. d8Q. =)
RxP! Black gets mated or loses his rook.Cheers!
1. Rxe5!
If 1… Rxd2, 2. Re8 mate
If 1… Rxd7, 2. Qxd7 +-
If 1… Qd8:
2. Re8+ Qxe8
3. dxe8=Q+ Kxe8 +-
Not sure if black has any other defenses
Gabriel Curi, from Uruguay, says
After 1. Re5 black prevents mate with, let´s say 1…g6
Then 2. Re8+ and 3.d8=Q leaves white a rook up
“Gabriel Curi, from Uruguay, says
After 1. Re5 black prevents mate with, let´s say 1…g6″
Not that it makes a difference, but 2.Qxd4 is flashier.
nice play from you students.
Have nice dayes!
“Not that it makes a difference, but 2.Qxd4 is flashier.”
Flashier, as long as Black plays along with 2…exd4, but Black, being the killjoy that Black can be, would probably play 2…Qxd4, taking all that fun away.
“Flashier, as long as Black plays along with 2…exd4, but Black, being the killjoy that Black can be, would probably play 2…Qxd4, taking all that fun away.
I think that was why bill said 2. Qd4 and not 1. Qxd4. After 2. … Qxd4 white’s fun continues with 3. Re8+ and 4. d8Q. =)
Yes, of course, you and Bill are right. I stand corrected.