To whom it may concern:
Mr. Dhfer Mazloom the president of Iraqi chess federation asked Kurdish organizers to remove Kurdistan region flag from the tournament flyer just 2 days before the tournament. On the flyer was Iraqi flag side to side with Kurdistan flag like any government building in Erbil, Mr. Zafer wanted Iraqi flag to stay a lone in the flyer despite the tournament is in Erbil (Capital of Kurdistan) and sponsored by Kurdistan!!
The Kurdish chess organizers tried to discuss this issue with Mr. Zafer but Zafer said his decision is final and he wanted to postponed the tournament just 2 days before its start.
The Kurdish organizer refused to follow Mr. Zafer explaining that they already have reserved Air tickets for 8 International players and hotel rooms for many players beside they want to keep their promise to the international players. Mr. Zafer threatened every Iraqi chess players and told them he is not going to make this tournament FIDE rated. This clear abuse using his position and taking advantage of FIDE rules which may allow him to do whatever he wants.
This is a mess.
I Watched the report about the Kurdistan chess events . It is really unfair that Iraqi chess federation did not support this great event.
I Watched the report about the Kurdistan chess events . It is really unfair that Iraqi chess federation did not support this great event.