Sunday, March 31, 2013
CHESS Stephen Dann
Pando does it again! Bruce Pandolfini of New York City, the dean of American amateur chess instruction since 1972, has changed his free monthly column March 27 at the Cape Cod to reflect some of his best chess lectures and tutoring presentations to amateurs of all ages.
This writer believes that sharing his top lectures over 40 years (also available in e-book format for 99 cents) presents one of the greatest examples of chess without geographical borders, and is a model for other instructors, national, regional and local. This could be the pick of the year for anyone who ever wishes to learn how to structure a chess lecture, or what to look for in getting the most from one.
More reasons to visit Chess Café — Olimpiu Urcan’s account of the February 1903 week long visit of world champion Emanuel Lasker to Boston, including games he didn’t win, and his victory over New England Champion Abe Moses Sussmann of Worcester, then a student at Harvard.
The Vernal Equinox Open in Natick was won by Mika Brattain over a field of 79. Crosstables of the four sections and four games from last Tuesday’s final round can be found at The closed club championship begins Tuesday along with the five-week April Fools’ Open, always an event to watch at New England’s largest weeknight chess club.
The last two rounds of the Candidates (world’s strongest tourney to determine a challenger to Vishy Anand of India) are today and tomorrow in London, meaning games begin at 8 a.m. We again recommend, but have been receiving match reports directly from Nastja Karlovich, press officer covering the event at As of Thursday’s round 11, Magnus Carlsen held a slim lead, but was still the odds-on favorite.
New events will begin Thursday at the Greater Worcester Chess Club, and anyone interested in learning what is going on should get Donna Alarie’s emails each Thursday morning, details at On Thursday, a message was passed along that late member Dr. Irving Wolfson’s first bequested lecture on “liberal religion” will be at 10 a.m. on April 7 at the Unitarian Universalist Church of Worcester.
The family of Dr. Wolfson will be providing music, and the speaker will be David Niose, president of the Secular Coalition for America. Dr. Wolfson and his wife are also honored in MACA’s Living Memorial Chess Fund, which provides chess equipment to schools and libraries. More details at
Answer to quiz: Mikhail Tal (1936-92) played 1. Qh6!! to end this 1959 game in Zurich and again amaze the chess world at the height of his powers. Another position from “The Magic Tactics of Mikhail Tal, Learn from the Legend,” a 332-pagemust read from
Great article!