1. f6 is it, as anonymous 10:30 noted, but Black lasts longer after 1. f6 with: 1. … Kh8 2. Rxg7 Qxg7 3. fxg7+ Bxg7 4. Qg6 Nf6 (… Nd3 or … Ne4 might happen here if Black wants to jettison material)
Interesting suggestion with 1. Rxg5. It picks up a pawn and opens the b1-h7 diagonal to a discovered check, but what happens after Black’s 1. … Bf6?
Being a piece down, White needs a finisher. I haven’t found one yet starting with Rxg5. For instance, 2. Qg6+ Kh8, and White has no strong follow-up, but is about to lose an exchange or two. 2. Be3 Bxg5 3. Bxg5 axb3 4. axb3 Kh8, and I don’t think White’s pawns compensate for the missing rook.
threatening double check with f6 looks overwhelming ( Rxh6 will mate).
Black can’t effectively block the white square bishop or add protection at h6 or make room for the king to run.
Taking on f6 with bishop, knight, or pawn all lose to Rxh6., e.g.
1) f6, gxf 2) Rxh6++, Kg7 3) Qg6 mate
1) f6, Nxf6 2) Rxh6++, Kg8 3) Rh8 mate
1) f6, Bxf6 2) Rxh6++ mate
1) f6, Qxf6 2) Rxh6++ mate
These may be inelegant or incorrect but here are my lines:
Line 1
… NxR
2 f6+ Kh8
3 fxg+ Qxg7
4 Bxh6 Qxh6
5 QxQ++
Line 2
… gxh6
2 f6+ Kh8
3 fxg+ Qxg7
4 Bxh6 Nxh6
5 Qf7 QxQ
6 RxN Qh7
7 RxQ++
1. f6 is it, as anonymous 10:30 noted, but Black lasts longer after 1. f6 with:
1. … Kh8
2. Rxg7 Qxg7
3. fxg7+ Bxg7
4. Qg6 Nf6 (… Nd3 or … Ne4 might happen here if Black wants to jettison material)
then the inevitable follows:
5. Rxh6+ Bxh6
6. Qxh6+ Kg8
7. Qxg5+ Kh8
8. Qxf6 Kg8
9. Qf7+ Kh8
10. Qh7#
Line 2: After Black’s 1. …gxh6, there’s nothing for White to capture on 3. fxg+
Hello from New York! Rxg5! for white! Im 1400 rated.
Mike from New York: Greetings from Florida.
Interesting suggestion with 1. Rxg5. It picks up a pawn and opens the b1-h7 diagonal to a discovered check, but what happens after Black’s 1. … Bf6?
Being a piece down, White needs a finisher. I haven’t found one yet starting with Rxg5. For instance, 2. Qg6+ Kh8, and White has no strong follow-up, but is about to lose an exchange or two. 2. Be3 Bxg5 3. Bxg5 axb3 4. axb3 Kh8, and I don’t think White’s pawns compensate for the missing rook.
Any thoughts?
jcheyne (unrated)
jcheyne: looking into your analysis I can’t believe u r unrated.. r u using a computer?