The only thing that would catch my eye here is Qc2:
1. Qc2
Threatens Qh7#, and there seems to be only one reasonable defensive move (the reason it catches my eye):
1. …..g6
Now, white can try to get to g7 another way with the weakening of the black king’s fortress:
2. Qc7!
I think Re7 might work, too, but white will probably find it good to follow up with the back rank check with Re8 anyway, and then play Qc7, so why not just go directly to it? After Qc7, black has moves to protect, or block access to h7 with Nf7, Qf7, and Rg7, but white’s double attack on f7, and with the white rook threatening Re8, none of these have a chance of holding the game, even if they aren’t forced mates:
1.Qc2! g6 2.Qc7! 1-0 a very funny variation
Qc2 g6
Qc7 looks winning
The only thing that would catch my eye here is Qc2:
1. Qc2
Threatens Qh7#, and there seems to be only one reasonable defensive move (the reason it catches my eye):
1. …..g6
Now, white can try to get to g7 another way with the weakening of the black king’s fortress:
2. Qc7!
I think Re7 might work, too, but white will probably find it good to follow up with the back rank check with Re8 anyway, and then play Qc7, so why not just go directly to it? After Qc7, black has moves to protect, or block access to h7 with Nf7, Qf7, and Rg7, but white’s double attack on f7, and with the white rook threatening Re8, none of these have a chance of holding the game, even if they aren’t forced mates:
2. …..Rg7
3. Re8 Qg8 (Rg8 4.Qh7#)
4. Rg8 Kg8
5. Qd8# Or
2. …..Nf7
3. Nf7 Qf7 (Kg7 4.Ng5 #s 3 more)
4. Qf7 and there is no defense to the coming Re7 followed by mate.
qc2 g6
re7 rg7
re8+ rg8
rxd8 🙂
1) b3 Qxb3 2)Qc2! and white wins
Let’s try:
1. Qc2 g6
2. Re7 Rg7
3. Re8 Rg8
4. Qc7 and wins
Too many mate threats.
1. Re6 Qb1+
2. Kh2 Qf5
3. Rd6 Qxf2
4. Rh6 Qf5
5. Rxh7+ Kxh7
6. Nxh7 Kxh7
7. Qa5
if some move other than 3… Qxf2, then the black N falls.
3. Rh6 (instead of Rd6) fails because of the black Q protecting h7
4. Rh6 also guards against black’s counter attack with … Qxh4+ and guards the h2-b8 diagonal.
Qc2 g6
Qc2 g6
1.Qc2 g6 2.Qc7 Nf7 3.Nxf7+ Kg7 4.Ng5+ Qf7 5.Qxf7+ Kh8 6.Qxh7#.
Q-f7 looks good to me. I have never managed a smothered mate in 40 years of chess playing.
Why are you asking me? My name is Brian L. and everyone knows I am too stupid and mean to know how to play chess.
1. Qc2 g6 (forced)
2. Qc7
a: … Rg7
3. Re8+ Qg8
4. Rxg8+ Kxg8
5. Qxd8 with a huge material advantage.
b: … Nf7
3. Nxf7+ Kg7
4. Ng5+ Kf6
5. Qd6+ Kf5
and mate shortly I would think
Q c2 and black should just resign because he must wean h7 by playing g6 🙁
Qf7 just loses.
1. Qc2, g6 2. Qc7!
Rd1 followed by Nf7#
1. Qc2 g6
2. Qc7
and the only defense against mate on h7 is Nf7.
I don’t see an immediate checkmate, but
1. Qc2 g6 (the only move)
2. Qc7
seems decisive.
1.Qc2 g6
2.Qc7 Rg7
3.Re8+ Rg8
1.Qc2 g6
2.Qc7 Nf7
3.Nxf7+ Qxf7
4.Qxf7 Rg7
5.Re8+ Rg8
– High skill from MR KO (Malaysian)
1.Qc2. After black’s g6 (forced move), white plays Qc7 and this should win for white.
Qc2!! i thought of rd1 and nxn7 but they do not good as winning a queen.
1…g6 the only move. other moves lose to Qxh7# .
2.Qc7!! attacks the h7 pawn! there is no way to defend. if …Nf7 nxf7 qxf7 and up a queen.
2…rg7 3.qxd8 qg8 4.re8!! (if rg8 qf6 rg7 rd8+ qg8 and a nice smothered mate Nf7!!#)
1. Qc2 g6
2. Qc7
1.Qc2! After 1…g6, 2.Qc7 and wins!
1. Qc2 g6
2. Qc7 splat!
Sometimes, it’s easy!
1.Qc2 g6 2.Qc7
1.Qc2 g6
2.Qc7 and winning
1. Qc2 threatening checkmate 1… g6 2. Qc7 +-