White to move. Is this a win, draw, or hopeless for white? How should white proceed? Adamson – 1925
Daily Chess Improvement: Attacking Tactic!
White to move. No computer analysis please. 3r4/2rk4/1p2p1q1/2pPQp2/2P2Pp1/3K2P1/p7/2R4R w – – 0 1
Learn Chess The Right Way!
I’m just told by my publisher that “Learn Chess the Right Way” book 5 of this best-selling series will be out in a few days! Can’t wait to receive it! Sales of the first 4 volume have been...
Daily Chess Improvement: Middlegame Tactic!
2rqrb2/p2nk3/bp2pnQp/4B1p1/2pP4/1PN4P/P1n3P1/3RR2K w – – 0 1 White to move. What is the best continuation for White? No computer analysis please.
Daily Chess Improvement: Endgame Tactic
White to move. How should White proceed? 7k/1pQ3pp/2p5/8/1q3r2/p6P/6PK/3R4 w – – 0 1