IM Irina Krush suffered her third loss in a row. I think the first loss in an equal position have affected her play. In the mean time, GM Magnus Carlsen defeated GM Lajos Portisch to maintain his lead. GM Krasenkow also won to stay 1/2 point behind. Eric Moskow drew GM Rozentalis. This is his second draw in this event.
GM Carlsen 1-0 GM Portisch
GM Kulaots 1-0 IM Krush
GM Krasenkow 1-0 GM Lie
IM Jones 1/2 GM Dreev
NM Moskow 1/2 GM Rozentalis
Here is the official website.
Chess Daily News from Susan Polgar
Krush is being crushed!
Very stronge play by M.Carlsen today. 14.Rxd5 after a 40 min show us that there are still room for creative play over the board 🙂
Very sad for Irina 🙁
I was so happy about Caruana, and Irina cannot get it….. Talking about Italian players Alex Brunti will play the day before the mtel
When will be the next try of Irina for a GM norm? Will she participate in the same competition as Fabiano Caruana?
It is really difficult the first few rounds to the final result. through it all, it will be interesting to see where Irina’s performance is relative to her established rating.
Irina is young, but is a long time experienced player. In view of this, it will be interesting to see if she can break out to a higher level in the next few years. churchil40
Irena is having trouble hurdling over the GM title she is close to achieving. This helps to show the GM title still means a lot.