The highest rated player in the world and next World Championship challenger Magnus Carlsen is making an impact on some mainstream media outlets. On Wednesday April 24th, he was interviewed by the legendary Charlie Rose in his evening show.
The Norwegian has been sought after since his ascent to the top. Earlier this month, he was named one of Time’s 100 most influential people in the world. In the past few years he made an entrance in the fashion world, where he was a model for the G-Raw brand. The fact that he comes from a Western country might be an important factor in the popularization of chess globally.
You can watch the full interview at the official website
Chess Daily News from Susan Polgar
He’s the best ever, after Nakamura.
He is the best period. And he is only 22. If he continues like that(winning tournament after tournament) he will probably be the best in the history(so far).
P.S. Nobody(>2700) is after Nakamura, even the some 2600 players are better then him!!!
The facts show that Nakamura is NOT better than Carlson. I wish Nakamura’s proud mother would post somewhere else.