GM Carlsen (2733) – GM Shirov (2755) [C78]
29.02.2008 / Linares – Round 9
1.e4 e5 2.Nf3 Nc6 3.Bb5 a6 4.Ba4 Nf6 5.0–0 b5 6.Bb3 Bc5 7.a4 Rb8 8.c3 d6 9.d4 Bb6 10.Na3 0–0 11.axb5 axb5 12.Nxb5 Bg4 13.Bc2 Bxf3 14.gxf3 Nh5 15.f4 Nxf4 16.Bxf4 exf4 17.Qg4 Qf6 18.Ra6 Ne7 19.Na3 c6 20.Nc4 Bc7 21.Ra7 Rbc8 22.e5 dxe5 23.dxe5 Qh6 24.Rd1 Nd5 25.Be4 Rfd8 26.Rd3 g6 27.Bxd5 cxd5 28.Rxd5 Rxd5 29.Qxc8+ Kg7 30.Qg4 Bxe5 31.h4 Bb8 32.Rb7 Rd8 33.Kg2 Kg8 34.Qg5 Qf8 35.Qf6 Re8 36.b4 Re6 37.Qd4 Qc8 38.Rd7 Qc6+ 39.Qd5 Qxd5+ 40.Rxd5 Rc6 41.Nd2 f3+ 42.Nxf3 Kg7 43.Rd8 Bc7 44.Rd7 Rxc3 45.Ng5 Kg8 46.Ne4 Rc4 47.Nf6+ Kf8 48.Nxh7+ Ke8 49.Nf6+ Kf8 50.Nd5 Be5 51.b5 Rxh4 52.b6 Rd4 53.Kf3 Kg7 54.Ke3 Ra4 55.b7 Ra3+ 56.Ke4 Bh2 57.Nc7 Rb3 58.Ne6+ Kf6 59.Nd8 g5 60.Rxf7+ Kg6 61.Rd7 g4 62.Ne6 g3 63.fxg3 Bxg3 64.Kd5 Rb1 65.Kc6 Rc1+ 66.Nc5 Bb8 67.Rd5 Ba7 68.Kd7 Bb8 69.Ne6 Kf6 70.Rc5 Rb1 71.Nd8 Bh2 72.Rc6+ Ke5 73.Rc1 Rb3 74.Rc2 Bf4 75.Kc6 Kf5 76.Rc5+ Kf6 77.Kd7 Rb1 78.Kc8 Bh2 79.Rc6+ Ke5 80.b8Q+ 1–0
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It’s strange that Shirov takes so much time after 19.Na3; 19…Ra8 seems to be the only sensible reply.
And it seems it’s another win for the cute one… someone in Mexico will be a happy fan!!! 🙂
I just now caught this comment on ICC the game carlsen shirov.
II kibitzes: I Like Leko and Kramnik, but I like Carlsen more, but Susan Polgar is the one I adore… blush
I think that is great comment….. smile
Wow!!! Quite a hard fight in a passionate endgame, but he did it… he did it… HE DID IT !!!
So our cute Magnus is the only one who can face Anand for the first place, it seems.
Will he be able to defeat the champion? I guess so, why not?! 🙂
I need to see this ending explained slooooowly, in small words.
please, please, pleeeease, do analysis on this game. At one point there were 1800 people watching this game on icc. it was like a good tennis match, amazing play.