Well, Nh7 certainly suggests itself since black has only one reply for the first two moves and white has already salvaged a draw from simple repetition- the rest is just brute calculation, and I could see the mate in just about a minute’s thought:
1. Nh7 Rh7 (Ke8 2.Bc6#) 2. Qd8 Kg7
White, here, of course, has a draw in hand with 3.Qg5 and 4.Qd8 repeating moves, but 3.f6 is an obvious line to look at:
1.Nh7 RxN A must capture for if
1…Ke8 2.Bc6# 2.Qd8+ Kg7 3.f6+ K to g6 or h6 white’s Q and bishop combine to the same end 4.Be4+ Kh6 5.Qd2+ Kh5 6.n4#
1. Nh7+…Rxh7
2. Qd8+…Kg7
3. f6+…….Kg6 (or Kh6.4..Qd2+.Kg5.5.Qg5#)
4. Be4+…Kh5
6. Qd2+…Kh6.
7. Qg5/g4#!!!
If 1…..Ke8.2.Bc6#!!!
We can really appreciate the long range power and agility of a Q B battery!
In the Nh7+ solution I posted it is mite resting to note that last 3 moves can transpose to mate!
Well, Nh7 certainly suggests itself since black has only one reply for the first two moves and white has already salvaged a draw from simple repetition- the rest is just brute calculation, and I could see the mate in just about a minute’s thought:
1. Nh7 Rh7 (Ke8 2.Bc6#)
2. Qd8 Kg7
White, here, of course, has a draw in hand with 3.Qg5 and 4.Qd8 repeating moves, but 3.f6 is an obvious line to look at:
3. f6 Kg6 (Kh6 4.Qd2 Kh5/g6 5.Qg5#)
4. Be4 Kh5 (Kh6 5.Qd2 Kh5 6.Qg5#)
5. g4 Kh6
6. Qd2#