Bundesliga tactic Chess tactic, German Bundesliga, Puzzle Solving White to move. How should white proceed?Source: ChessToday.net Chess Daily News from Susan Polgar
1. Rd8+ Bxd8
2. Qe8+ Qf8
3. Bf7#
Rd8+ Bxd8 Qe8+ Qf8 Bf7++
1. Rd8+ BxR
2. Qe8+ Qf8
3. Bf7#
1. Rd8+!! Bxd8
2. Qe8+ Qf8
3. Bf7+ checkmate
1. Rd8+!! Bf8
2. Bf7+! Qxf7
3. Nxf7 1-0
1. Rd8+!! Qf8
2. Rxf8+ 1-0
1. Rd8+…Bxd8
2. Qe8+…Qf8
3. Bf7#
If 1….Bf8
2. Bf7+…Qxf7
3. Nxf7…Kxf7
4. Rxc8 winning the queen for a piece (enroute to winning another piece b8)
If 1….Qf8
2. Nf7#
1.Rd8+ Wins.
1….Bf8 Alternative later
2.Bf7+ wins the Queen and more for Bishop and Knight.
1….Bxd8 2.Qe8+ Qf8 (forced)
1. Rd8+ Bf8 (1 … B:d8, 2. Qe8+ and 3. Bf7#)
2. Qe8 g6
3. Be5
1. Rd8+ Bxd8
2. Qe8+ Qf8
3. bf7++
If 1….Qf8
2. Rxf8+ and wins
If 1…..B f8
2. .B f7+ Qxf7 (forced)
3. Nxf7 and wins