1…Rxc3 2.Rxa2 (2.bxc3 Qf2#) 2…Rf3+ 3.Ke2 Rf2+ (3…Qf2+ 4.Kd1 Rxb3 5.h4(5.Qxb3 Qd2#) Be3 6.Re2 Qf1+ 7.Kc2 Rb4 8.Rxe3 Rd4 9.Qxd4 exd4 10.Rea3 Qe2+ 11.Kc1 d3 12.Ra8+ Kh7 13.b3 Qe1+ 14.Kb2 d2 15.Ra1 d1=Q also wins) 4.Kd3 Qc7 Better than 4… Qxa2.Black is now threatening 5…. Qc2# which can only be preventd by 5.Nc5 but white loses his Q.
I guess 1… Rxc3 would do the job (if 2. b2xRc3, Qf2#), probably here better is 2. Qd1 protecting f3 square but then black responds with 2…Rxg3, (if 3.Ke2 Qe3+ 4.Kf1 Qg1+ 5.Ke2 Qg2#). Anything else is met by 3…Qg1+ 4.Ke2 Qg2#. White can delay a little bit but not without doing sacrifices that ultimatly lead to the same mate!
pht, You may continue to play variations in your mind but please buy a physical chess board.(or has it been obsolete in developed countries?)and check what you played in mind.Concession for Qc1 by WN on b3 o.k.but final moves? 7.Rxg3+ Kh2 8.Qg1# I think we two are on dialogue for some reason or the other more than anybody else.
The famous 1… Rxc3! wins
Indeed promising looks:
1. Rxc3
The rook can’t be taken because of Qf2#. Another impossible idea is:
1. … Rxa2?
2. Rf3+ Ke2 (Kg2? Qf2+ Kh1 Qxe1+ Kh2 Rf2#)
3. Qe3+ Kd1
4. Qc1+ Ke2
5. Re3+ Kf2
6. Qxe1+ Kg2
7. Re2#
If my memory serves I believe Fischer played Rxc3!! crushing.
Rxc3 is deadly
(2.bxc3 Qf2#)
3.Ke2 Rf2+
(3…Qf2+ 4.Kd1 Rxb3 5.h4(5.Qxb3 Qd2#) Be3 6.Re2 Qf1+ 7.Kc2 Rb4 8.Rxe3 Rd4 9.Qxd4 exd4 10.Rea3 Qe2+ 11.Kc1 d3 12.Ra8+ Kh7 13.b3 Qe1+ 14.Kb2 d2 15.Ra1 d1=Q also wins)
4.Kd3 Qc7
Better than 4… Qxa2.Black is now threatening 5…. Qc2# which can only be preventd by 5.Nc5 but white loses his Q.
Doesn’t Rxc3! win? I see only win for black after that.
I guess 1… Rxc3 would do the job (if
2. b2xRc3, Qf2#), probably here better is 2. Qd1 protecting f3 square but then black responds with 2…Rxg3, (if 3.Ke2 Qe3+ 4.Kf1 Qg1+ 5.Ke2 Qg2#). Anything else is met by 3…Qg1+ 4.Ke2 Qg2#. White can delay a little bit but not without doing sacrifices that ultimatly lead to the same mate!
Another continuation can be
1…. Rxc3 2. Ke2 Rxb2+ 3.Kd1 Qxa1+ 4 Nxa1 Rc1#
.. RxC3 wins for black.
Ah, yes, I know it well. One of Bobby’s best games. 1…R:c3 and it is all over.
2. bc Qf2#
2. R:a2 Rf3+ 3. Ke2 Rf2+ and white will lose the house because, among other things, his Q is hanging on the d-file.
You may continue to play variations in your mind but please buy a physical chess board.(or has it been obsolete in developed countries?)and check what you played in mind.Concession for Qc1 by WN on b3 o.k.but final moves? 7.Rxg3+ Kh2 8.Qg1#
I think we two are on dialogue for some reason or the other more than anybody else.
Vesco’s reply 2… Rxg3 for 1.Qd1 is crushing but 4.Kf1 Rg1# is shorter.For oter replies to 2… Rxg3
(1) 3.Qe2/Re2 Rg1#
(2)3.Nd4 Rxa1 4.Qe2/Qxa1 Qxd4
(3)3.Rxa2 Rg1+ 4.Ke2 Qe3#