Grandmaster Istvan Bilek passed away on 21 March 2010. A three time Hungarian Champion, Bilek played on the Hungarian team in nine Chess Olympiads and played in Interzonals in 1962 and 1964. He scored many wins against the world’s top players such as Korchnoi, Portisch, Gligoric, Stein, Timman. (As reported by
I first met GM Bilek many years ago. He was always kind and supportive of me and my chess career. I am sad to learn of his passing. My condolences to his family.
Black to move. How should Black proceed?
Chess Daily News from Susan Polgar
Bf2+ If Kxf2 Nxe4+ wins Q
If Ke2 Bc4+ forcing Kxf2, winning Q
nxe4 looks good
1. .. Bf2+
2. Ke2 Bc4+
3. Kxf2 Nxe4+
Absolutely brilliant. 1… Bf2+!! and it’s goodbye white’s queen. Sooner or later white has to take the f2 bishop, and then Nxe4+ is the end of the white queen.
1… Bf2+
2. Ke2 Bc4+
3. Kxf2 Nxe4+
4. fxe4 Qxg5
As the masters say, castle early!
Bf2+!! wins the white Queen.
2.Kxf2 Ne4+
3.fxe4 Qxg5
2.Ke2 just delays the inevitable after Bc4+
1… Bf2+ 2.Kxf2 (2.Ke2 Bc4+) Nxe4+ wins the white queen.
Nxe4 was my first thought, but I don’t think it works because the white king can cross the d-file after
Qxd8 Bf2+
So Bf2+ looks correct
If Kxf2 then Nxe4 wins the white queen, while if Ke2 then Bc4+
Bf2! Kxf2 Nxe4 winning the queen
Bf2+ wins
I like 1… Bf2+ Ke2
2. Bc4+ Kxf2
3. Nxe4+ fxe4
4. Qxg5, winning the queen and a pawn for two pieces and keeping the attack, too.
…Bf2+ and black wins white queen. King is forced to take the B and then Nxe4 followed by QxQ.
1. … Bf2+
2. Ke2 Bc4+
3. Kxf2 Nxe4+
4. fxe4 Qxg5
and two minor pieced for queen wins.
1.. Bf2! nice trick from the grandmaster .
Sorry for his death, I’ll say a little prayer for him.