Unless UTD totally collapse in the next two rounds, they have the best chance to win the Final Four. They opened up a 1.5 point lead with just 2 matches to play.
UTD (3.5) vs UMBC (2.0)
W GM Yotov 1/2 GM Kritz
B GM Chirila 0-1 GM Margvelashvili
W GM Sadorra 1/2 IM Kaplan
B GM Holt 1-0 NM Balasubramamian
TTU (2.0) vs NYU (0.5)
W GM Meier 1-0 IM Quan
B GM Moradiabadi 1-0 NM Shvartsman
W GM Bykhovsky 1-0 NM Rosenberg
B GM Boros 1-0 Cameron
LIVE games at 5 pm ET at www.MonRoi.com
Here is the link to all the pictures so far: https://picasaweb.google.com/116302832360230031699/2012FinalFour
Chess Daily News from Susan Polgar
What happened to their lead?