11 Azerbaijani chess players among leaders in Baku Open contest
Wed 25 August 2010 06:24 GMT

24 chess players at once demonstrate the 100 percentage result after two rounds of the Baku Open contest held at AF Hotel in Novkhany settlement.

The top three includes American Gata Kamskiy, who beat Nijat Aghayev, Israeli Emil Sutovskiy, who defeated Zaur Mammadov and Rauf Mammadov who defeated Orkhan Abdulov.

Among Azerbaijani chess players it is possible to single out Gadir Huseynov, Eltaj Safarli, Farid Abbasov, Rasul Ibrahimov, Tebriz Idrisov, Anar Allahverdiyev, Ulvi Bajarani, Ayaz Mammadov, Khayala Abdulla and Vusal Abbasov. All of them have two victories and are among leaders.

Baku Open will consist of nine rounds and will end on August 31. The contest involves 158 chess players from 12 countries.

Elmir Aliyev

Source: http://www.news.az

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