And what can black do? The g7 square is taken from black’s king, so Qc8 is deadly threat, and if black takes at e6: [1. …fe6 2.Qc8! Kg7 3.Qf8#]. I don’t see a defense where black doesn’t lose the queen in addition to being down two exchanges.
1. Ne6 attacks the black Q and threatens 2. Qc8#, black must play 1…fe, but then 2. Qc8+ will be followed by Qf8# once black gives away a bunch of material.
1.Ne6 The immediate threat to black Q is irrelevant but it prevents black K from going to safety and it prevents black Q from going to e8. 1…. fxe6 2.Qc8+ Kg7 3.Qf8#
Let’s try: 1. Ne6 threatening the Black queen and also 2. Qc8 leading to mate. If Black takes the knight: 1….f7xe6 then 2. Qc8+ leads to mate with Qf8++ Even Black trying to check the White king with his knights only delays the end: 1…Nxg3+ 2. Rxg3 and the Black queen is still under attack and the mate threat is still there. Similar results from 1….Nf2+ 2. Rxf2, and nothing has basically changed. If the Black queen moves, say to e7, then 2. Qc8+ leads to mate as well, since 2…Qf8 3. Qxf8++. Even 1… Bg7 does not help against 2. Qc8+
Ne6 looks encouraging as it covers g7 and threatens Qc8 and then Qf8 which is still a threat even after fxe. And fxe is not played then Qe7 also fails to the same idea.
1. Ne6! fxe6 (1. … Qe7/h6 2. Qc8+ Qf8 3. Qxf8#) 2. Qc8+ Kg7 3. Qf8#
Ne6 and black can just resign this mess:
1. Ne6
And what can black do? The g7 square is taken from black’s king, so Qc8 is deadly threat, and if black takes at e6: [1. …fe6 2.Qc8! Kg7 3.Qf8#]. I don’t see a defense where black doesn’t lose the queen in addition to being down two exchanges.
1. Ne6!! Nxg3+! ( 1… Qe7? 2. Qc8+ Qf8 Qxf8# ) (1… Qd8? 2. Nxd8 +-) (1… fxe6? 2. Qc8+ Kg7 3. Qf8#) ( 1… h6? 2. Nxg5 +-)
2. Rxg3! { 2. hg?? Qh5+! 3. Kg2 (3. Kg1 Qh2#) Qh2+ 4. Kf3 Qxg3+ 5. Ke4 f5+! 6. Rxf5 gf+ 7. Kxf5 Ne3+!! 8. Ke4 (8. Rxe3 Qg6# ) Qg4+ 9. Kd3 (9. Nf4 Qxf4+) Qxc4+ 10. Kxe3 Qc1+ 11. Kf2 Qxa3 -+ } Qe7
3. Qc8+ Qf8
4. Qxf8#
Ne6 with Qc8 to follow. There is no defense to either decisive material loss or mate.
1. Ne6 attacks the black Q and threatens 2. Qc8#, black must play 1…fe, but then 2. Qc8+ will be followed by Qf8# once black gives away a bunch of material.
Ne6 seems to be the path to victory?
Pretty obvious seems
1. Ne6!
followed by Qc8+ and Qf8#.
Taking or not taking the N sack seems to make little difference, I see no reasonable move for black, other than delaying sacks.
Ne6 should win easily?
The immediate threat to black Q is irrelevant but it prevents black K from going to safety and it prevents black Q from going to e8.
1…. fxe6
2.Qc8+ Kg7
1Ne6 wins quickly
Let’s try:
1. Ne6
threatening the Black queen and also 2. Qc8 leading to mate.
If Black takes the knight:
1….f7xe6 then
2. Qc8+ leads to mate with Qf8++
Even Black trying to check the White king with his knights only delays the end:
2. Rxg3 and the Black queen is still under attack and the mate threat is still there.
Similar results from
2. Rxf2, and nothing has basically changed.
If the Black queen moves, say to e7, then
2. Qc8+ leads to mate as well, since 2…Qf8
3. Qxf8++.
Even 1… Bg7 does not help against 2. Qc8+
Ne6 looks encouraging as it covers g7 and threatens Qc8 and then Qf8 which is still a threat even after fxe. And fxe is not played then Qe7 also fails to the same idea.