The Aquaprofit Polgar Chess Day this year was a MAJOR success with a jam pack crowd in Budapest last Saturday.
Chess Daily News from Susan Polgar
The Aquaprofit Polgar Chess Day this year was a MAJOR success with a jam pack crowd in Budapest last Saturday.
Wish I could have been there.
The Gina Lollobrigida of chess.
My goodness, the Polgar sisters are so beautiful. They seem, whenever they meet, they live old youth memories and seem to be pretty happy together.
If I were multi rich, I’d sponsor Judit and would have free reign to participate in whatever tourney, live the life of a millionaire chess player like any GM of her stature should and just have a whole lotta fun traveling with her family.
They are gorgeous in this video.
Great video! It’s good to be alive in the Polgar era! Congrats!