If 1) Bb6+ Ke5, white wins with 2) f4+. 2) … Kxf4 leads to 3) Be3+ picking up the bishop on g5. If 2) … Bxf4 then 3) Bc7+ Kxe4 4) Bf5+ lets white pick up a bishop for two pawns.
The solution by william morriss is generally correct, but after 1. Bb6+ Ke5 2. f4+ Bxf4 3. Bc7+ Kxe4 4. Bb7+ is the best move. If instead 4. Bf5+ Kf3! and then either 5. Bxd3 Bxc7 6. Bxh7 Kxg4 when Black is better but it may be drawn because of opposite colored bishops, or 5. Bxf4? Bxf5 6. Be3 Bxg4 (since 6. gxf5?? Kxf4 definitely wins for Black) and Black may even be winning.
A nice one.
I think Bb6+ should win, trading at worst two pawns for a bishop.
After few seconds, Bb6+ doesn’t seem to lead anywhere after Ke5. I’m thinking it could be 1. f4 and if bishop takes then Bb6+..
If 1) Bb6+ Ke5, white wins with 2) f4+. 2) … Kxf4 leads to 3) Be3+ picking up the bishop on g5. If 2) … Bxf4 then 3) Bc7+ Kxe4 4) Bf5+ lets white pick up a bishop for two pawns.
1.f4 wins a piece.
1. f4 Bh6+
2. Kd1 Bxe4
and black appears fine, if not better.
1. Bb6+ must come first
then, 1…Ke5
and 2. f4 comes with check preventing the saving Bh6+.
William Morriss posted the winning lines.
1.f4 is a blunder … ^^
great experts here around!
The solution by william morriss is generally correct, but after
1. Bb6+ Ke5
2. f4+ Bxf4
3. Bc7+ Kxe4
4. Bb7+
is the best move. If instead
4. Bf5+ Kf3!
and then either
5. Bxd3 Bxc7
6. Bxh7 Kxg4
when Black is better but it may be drawn because of opposite colored bishops, or
5. Bxf4? Bxf5
6. Be3 Bxg4 (since 6. gxf5?? Kxf4 definitely wins for Black)
and Black may even be winning.
Or am I missing something?
You are right, 4. Bb7+ is necessary. Good point.