Defend Like a Super Grandmaster – GM Maxim Dlugy
Opposite Castlings: Examples with Sergey Kasparov – 1
Posted on October 07,2014 By GM Sergey Kasparov in Strategy & Game Review, Classic Games (Pre 2010), General Chess Articles, Beginner’s Corner. While chess players with an ELO-rating of more than 2600 can choose other business or entertainment, for others Sergey Kasparov will speak on opposite castlings in this three-part series. I can’t tell it’s an common occurrence, but from time to time, depending on the opening line, positions with opposite castlings arise in chess games. Such situations must be most favorable to aggressive-style players, but we all must be aware of the playing prin[…]
Defend Like a Super Grandmaster – GM Maxim Dlugy
Posted on October 06,2014 By OnlineChessLessons.NET Contributor in Strategy & Game Review, Chess Openings, All Articles w/ Videos, General Chess Articles. True Defense makes a Champion! GM Maxim Dlugy shows us a game versus the top woman’s player in the USA: Goletiani. The opening starts out as an offbeat g3 system, and Dlugy finds himself in a position that requires good defense and shows us important elements needed to defend like a super grandmaster. When down a pawn, Dlugy looks to ruin his opponent’s Pawn Structure to reduce their winning chances. Dlugy shows that drawing chances are high in a[…]
Annoying d-Pawn Openings – IM Andrew Martin
Posted on October 03,2014 By OnlineChessLessons.NET Contributor in Strategy & Game Review, Chess Openings, All Articles w/ Videos, General Chess Articles. Trompowsky Tamed! Andy starts out giving us an overview of the ‘Annoying d-Pawn Openings’ and classifies them as Tropowsky, Torres, Stonewall, Colle, London System and the Veresov Attack. Starting with ‘The Trompowsky’, Andy examines the 2.Bg5 fearsome weapon and gives a nice antidote to its venom by producing a weird French Defense style position based on 1.d4 Nf6 2. Bg5 e6! 3e4 h6! 4.Bxf6 when Black finds a way to use the two bishops and fend[…]
The Principle of Two Weaknesses
Posted on October 02,2014 By GM Levan Aroshidze in General Chess Articles, Beginner’s Corner. This is one of the most important principles of chess strategy, and it has been successfully used by all the great players. Sometimes, we have a clear advantage (passed pawn, extra pawn, opponent’s bad bishop, etc.), but still can’t find the way to convert it into victory; the opponent is still able to resist. In such situations we need to create a second weakness or problem for the opponent. I prefer to call it “the second problem” because it ma[…] is a producer of thousands of free chess articles and free chess videos by FIDE chess masters. They recently released the renowned Empire Chess series that has been taking the chess world by storm. Please consider checking out their chess blog and chess shop with tons of free updated previews.