1) Ng5 [1…Kg7 or Kg8 2) Rg6+, Kf8 or Kh8 3) Nf7 or Nh7 black’s bishop is dead meat white wins] Another line is [1…Kh8 2) Rh6+ forces black play the line mentioned above] either way black will be a piece down making white’s win easier.
Ng5 plays itself- if the black king plays to the g-file, Rg6 check forces either Kf8/Kh8, and white wins the bishop by discovering an attack with either Nh7 or Ne6 with check. If black plays Kh8 on the first move, white just checks with the rook from h6 first, followed by Rg6:
1.Ng5+ Kg7 or Kg8 (1… Kh8 2.Rh6+ Kg7 returns to the main line.) 2.Rg6+ Kf8 (or 2… Kh8 3.Nf7+ is worse as K is cornered.) 3.Nh7+ Kf7 4.Rxg4 wins a piece and game.
1. Ng5+ Kh8 (Kg7/Kg8 is the same but shorter) 2. Rh6! Kg7/Kg8 3. Rg6+! Kh8/Kf8 (only 2 moves) 4. Nf7+/Nh7+ … (K can’t attack N is the point here) 5. Rxg4 winning.
I have not seen this one before, and was quite happy to find this 5 move combination rather quickly.
Of course I realize that Anand must have seen this several moves before the position was reached, as I would never have…
Ng5- Kh1 Rh6-Kg7 Rg6- Kf8 Nh7
Ke6 g5
1) Ng5 [1…Kg7 or Kg8 2) Rg6+, Kf8 or Kh8 3) Nf7 or Nh7 black’s bishop is dead meat white wins] Another line is [1…Kh8 2) Rh6+ forces black play the line mentioned above] either way black will be a piece down making white’s win easier.
Ng5 plays itself- if the black king plays to the g-file, Rg6 check forces either Kf8/Kh8, and white wins the bishop by discovering an attack with either Nh7 or Ne6 with check. If black plays Kh8 on the first move, white just checks with the rook from h6 first, followed by Rg6:
1. Ng5 Kh8 (Kg7/8 2.Rg6 etc.)
2. Rh6 Kg7/g8
3. Rg6 Kh8/f8
4. Nh7/e6+-.
1.Ng5+ Kg7 or Kg8
(1… Kh8 2.Rh6+ Kg7 returns to the main line.)
2.Rg6+ Kf8 (or 2… Kh8 3.Nf7+ is worse as K is cornered.)
3.Nh7+ Kf7
4.Rxg4 wins a piece and game.
first Ng4 then Ne4
1. Ng5+ Kh8 (Kg7/Kg8 is the same but shorter)
2. Rh6! Kg7/Kg8
3. Rg6+! Kh8/Kf8 (only 2 moves)
4. Nf7+/Nh7+ … (K can’t attack N is the point here)
5. Rxg4 winning.
I have not seen this one before, and was quite happy to find this 5 move combination rather quickly.
Of course I realize that Anand must have seen this several moves before the position was reached, as I would never have…
Ng5- Kh8 Rh6-Kg7 Rg6-Kf8 Nh7-Kf2 Rg4
As far as I know the term “combination” essentially involves sacrifice.Here there is no sacrifice.One may use “tactic”.