Ira Fine (of Pitman, NJ) has just informed me that IM Alex Lenderman has earned his final GM norm over the weekend. He will be the next American GM. Congratulations to GM-elect Lenderman!
He is an amazing guy. He still is able to reach his GM title while doing chess lessons. He is an excellent teacher! My son gained 500 rating points in less than a year working with him. No doubt, a very serious chess coach. He even give assignments and directions to the students of what area of the game to work on. He also make sure parents are involved if the students reaches a “road block” or does not progress.
what is so cool is that Alex is a great guy! He can be a great role model. I wish him the best of luck!
GM Lenderman is awesome. To me, nothing can top him. He’s a very good chess coach too. Nice guy.
Very good is not good enough for me. I want excellent!
The Lenderman Dance is a sensation that is rocking the nation!
He still needs to fulfill his promise to do the Lendernman dance once he gets his 3rd GM norm.
The whole nation is waiting for the GM version of the Lenderman dance. . .
That is a real dance revolution!
nice job we gotta play again, what is that the Lendi Hop! hehe
He is an amazing guy. He still is able to reach his GM title while doing chess lessons. He is an excellent teacher! My son gained 500 rating points in less than a year working with him. No doubt, a very serious chess coach. He even give assignments and directions to the students of what area of the game to work on. He also make sure parents are involved if the students reaches a “road block” or does not progress.
Someone get this guy some Preparation-H.
His ass is on fire!
He did perform his GM version of Lenderman Boogie. I hope somebody made a clip of it and post it in u-tube.
It will be in high demand if it is posted.