1. Kg6 Ne5+ 2.Kf6 Nxf7 3. Ke7 Ra8 4.Bd1 Nd8 5.Bf3+ Nc6+ 6.Kd7 Ra6 and as long as white keeps his bishop on the diagonal, amazingly black can only draw despite being a rook ahead.
@anonymous R vs. B is only won for R in very special cases. You are referring to the situation where the king is trapped in the corner, and whether or not it’s a draw depends on the colour of the bishop, but that is not relevant here.
The problem with your line is that after 1.Bb3 Ne5 2. Kh6 black does not play Nxf7 but Kc7 followed by Nd7 and the king comes over to help and black conquers the pawn.
The lines mentioned above have the right idea, but 4.Bd1 is a mistake, because then black can play 4. .. Ng5 keeping an eye on square f3. But 4.Bb3 is fine.
Kg6 is correct: After: 1. Kg6 Ne5+ 2.Kf6 Nxf7 3. Ke7 Ra8 4.Bb3 Nd8 5. Bd5+ Nc6… The white king controls the situation, the rook has to stay to control the knight… and it is a draw.
my excuse to everyone for the 1. Bb3 variation (which is not correct)
White threats to Kg7.
So Black has to play 1….Ne5 2.Kf6
Now Black has to move his knight.
Next White will play Ke7 (or Kg7) following f8.
Did you really think it was quite that easy?
What do you do after
1. Kg6 Ne5+ 2.Kf6 Nxf7 3. Kg7/e7 Ra8?
1.Bb3 Ne5
2.Kh6 Nxf7
3.Kg7 white wins the Knight, and the King is in the right corner to hold the draw.
The correct answer is, I think,
1. Kg6 Ne5+ 2.Kf6 Nxf7 3. Ke7 Ra8 4.Bd1 Nd8 5.Bf3+ Nc6+ 6.Kd7 Ra6
and as long as white keeps his bishop on the diagonal, amazingly black can only draw despite being a rook ahead.
(adding to my previous post, after 3.Kg7 the rook cannot attack the white bishop with tempo)
R vs. B is only won for R in very special cases. You are referring to the situation where the king is trapped in the corner, and whether or not it’s a draw depends on the colour of the bishop, but that is not relevant here.
The problem with your line is that after 1.Bb3 Ne5 2. Kh6 black does not play Nxf7 but Kc7 followed by Nd7 and the king comes over to help and black conquers the pawn.
Johan is right! 1. Kg6 Ne5+ 2.Kf6 Nxf7 3. Ke7 Ra8 4.Bd1 Nd8 5.Bf3+ Nc6+ 6.Kd7 Ra6 If Black’s king ever moves…White plays BxN! =
The lines mentioned above have the right idea, but 4.Bd1 is a mistake, because then black can play 4. .. Ng5 keeping an eye on square f3. But 4.Bb3 is fine.
Kg6 is not correct I think because:
After: 1. Kg6 Ne5+ 2.Kf6 Nxf7 3. Ke7 Ra8 4.Bb3 Nd8!? and black is still rolling…
Maybe 1.Bd3 has more potential?
Greetz Chessstyles
Sorry I meant that
1. Bb3 has more potential
1. … Kc6 2. Kg6 Kd6 3. Kf6 Ne5 4. Ba2 (tempomove)Nd7+ 5. Kf5 Ke7 (attacking the pawn) 6. Bb3 (again tempomove) Rh8
This is a part which i’m not sure of?!
7. Be6 Rh5+ 8. Kg6 Rh8 9. Bxd7 Kxd7 10. Kg7… draw!
Greetings Chesstyles
Last update 🙂
Kg6 is correct:
After: 1. Kg6 Ne5+ 2.Kf6 Nxf7 3. Ke7 Ra8 4.Bb3 Nd8 5. Bd5+ Nc6… The white king controls the situation, the rook has to stay to control the knight… and it is a draw.
my excuse to everyone for the
1. Bb3 variation (which is not correct)
Greeting Chesstyles
Right: after
1. Bb3
Black can (and must) play
1 .. Kc7
approaching the pawn and the rook via dark squares.