A classic rapid fire Chess tactic, Puzzle Solving White to move. How can White save this position?8/4R3/1bkpP3/1Np5/2P5/4p3/3r3r/1R2K3 w – – 0 1 Stamma, 1792 Chess Daily News from Susan Polgar
Easy, Rc7+ wins.
Rc7+, B*R, Na7#
1. Rcy +, Bxc7 2. Na7#
Maybe the only way to save this position is … being the first one to give mate: 1.Rc7+ Bc7: 2.Na7
More than save in fact
1 Re7c7+ Fxc7
2 Ca7 mate
Rc7 is adorable…..lol…
1. Rc7+ Bc7
2. Na7++
So easy, even I can do it.
1. Rc7+ Bxc7
2. Na7++
1. Rc7+ Kxc7
2. Na7 mate
I love these “easier” problems !
1. Rc7 Bc7
2. Na7#
1. Rc7+ Bxc7
2. Na7 mate
RC7+ and if Bxc7 then Na7 mate
By sacrificing a rook
1. Rc7, Bxc7
2. Na7 mate
Ah, one I can solve quickly.
1.Rc7+ forcing Bxc7
2.Na7 mate
Anything wrong with 1. Rc7+ Bxc7 2. Na7+ and mate? Seems to obvious. 😉