A classic chess tactic Chess tactic, Puzzle Solving, Steinitz White to move. How should White proceed?Source: ChessToday.net Chess Daily News from Susan Polgar
1. Nxd7 Qxd5 2. Nf6+ Kd8 or f8 3. Bxe7#
Just has to be Nd7! Just has to be, even without calculating a single move!
1. Nd7 Qd5
2. Nf6
Double check, of course. Continuing:
2. …..Kf8 (Kd8 is same result)
3. Be7#
At his first move, 1. …Bd7 doesn’t help a lot since black will just lose his queen as both the d7 bishop and the e7 knight are pinned to their king.
Just one of those moves that literally come screaming out of the board at you.
I think:
1.Nxd7 Qxd5
2.Nf6++ Kf8
My first idea was 1. Nc6 Qxd5 (0-0 2. Sxe7+ and Sxf5) 2. Rxez+ Kf8 3. Rxd7+ Ke8 4. Rxd5 and White ends up with one ore two pieces ahead. But the real ending, found in a database, is quite nicer and faster.
Hrm, I was juts going to post Nc6. I’ll have to see if I find the better solution
1. Nxd7 Qxd5
2. Nf6+ (double check)
followed by Bxe7 checkmate
1. Nxd7 discovering attacks on the Ne7 and the Qf5 seems to do it.
If 1. … Qxd5 2. Nf6+ followed by 3. Bxe7#.
1. Nxd7 Qxd5 2. Nf6 + Kd8 or f8, 3. Bxe7#
That appears to be the main idea. Variations are just as bad for black, but less pretty.
How about Nxd7? If QxQ, then Nf6 double check and mate next move! If any other response, white cleans up, winning queen and then some.
1.Nxd7 Qxd5 2.Nf6++ Kf8/d8 3.Bxe7 mate !
I think …
1. Nxd7 then if Qxd5
2. Nf6+ K moves
3. Re8 mate
1. Nd7 if Bxd7
2. Rxd7+ leads to heavy material loss at least
How about 1:Bxe7 Kxe7 2:Nc6++ Kf8
ke5xf7 makes sure no escape to d8. And then it’s all “afdækker” the rest of the way.
Qxd5, Rxe7+,Kf8, Rxd7+,Kg8, Rxd5