First idea: 1.c4+ White can get an endgame queen vs. rook, which is won: 1. … Kxd4 2. Qd6+ Kc3 3. Qxf6+ Kxd3 4. Qxa1 and if Kxc4 5. Qc1+ followed by 6. Qxg5 However, what if Black refuses to take that knight? 1. … Kc5 2. Nb3+!! and whatever Black does, the queen is lost, e.g.: 2. … Rxb3 (Kc6 3.Qg2+ Kc7 4.Qxb7+ Kxb7 5.Nxa1 +-) 3. Qc7+ Kb4 (Kd4 4.Qd6+ Kc3 etc. – same as above) 4. Qe7+ and now 4. … Kc3 5. Qxf6+ 4. … Ka4 5. Qa7+ 4. … Ka5 5. Qa7+ all losing the queen and both pawns, which results in the endgame q vs r.
I thought this looked familiar- 1.c4 and white can prove his chops at a Q vs R ending! Or, as we abbreviate things in the chess problem world, just say it is +-.
1. c4+, Kxd4
2. Qd6+, Kc3
3. Qxf6+, losses the queen, easy win
1. ………, Kc5
2. Nb3+, Rxb3 otherwise losses the queen
3. Qc7+, Kd4
4. Qd6+, Kc3
5. Qxf6+, losses the queen
3. …….. Kb4
4. Qd6+, Kc3
5. Qxf6+, losses the queen
4. ……., Ka4
5. Qa6#
1. c4+! Kc5 (1. …Kxd4?? 2. Qd6+ Kc3 3. Qxf6+ Kc2 4. Qxa1) 2. Nb3+! Rxb3 3. Qc7+ Kb4 4. Qe7+! (4. Qd6+? Ka5!) Ka5 (4. …Kc3 5. Qxf6+ Kc2 6. Qxa1) 5. Qa7+ Kb4 6. Qxa1 +-
First idea: 1.c4+
White can get an endgame queen vs. rook, which is won:
1. … Kxd4
2. Qd6+ Kc3
3. Qxf6+ Kxd3
4. Qxa1 and if Kxc4
5. Qc1+ followed by 6. Qxg5
However, what if Black refuses to take that knight?
1. … Kc5
2. Nb3+!! and whatever Black does, the queen is lost, e.g.:
2. … Rxb3 (Kc6 3.Qg2+ Kc7 4.Qxb7+ Kxb7 5.Nxa1 +-)
3. Qc7+ Kb4 (Kd4 4.Qd6+ Kc3 etc. – same as above)
4. Qe7+ and now
4. … Kc3 5. Qxf6+
4. … Ka4 5. Qa7+
4. … Ka5 5. Qa7+
all losing the queen and both pawns, which results in the endgame q vs r.
1.c4+ Kc5
1… Kxd4 2.Qd6+ Kc3 3.Qxf6+ wins Q.
2.Nb3+ Rxb3
3.Qc7+ Kb4
3… Kd4 4.Qd6+ as above
4.Qe7+ Ka4 or Ka5
5.Qa7+ wins the Q.
1.c4+ Kc5
1… Kxd4 2.Qd6+ Kc3 3.Qxf6+ wins Q.
2.Nb3+ Rxb3
3.Qc7+ Kb4
3… Kd4 4.Qd6+ as above
4.Qe7+ Ka4 or Ka5
5.Qa7+ wins the Q.
Beautiful classic!
1. c4+.Kc5. (If Kxd4.2.Qd6+.Kc3.3.Qxf6+ and 4.Qxa1)
2..Nb3+.Rxb3 (else 3.Nxa1 wins easily)
3..Qc7+.Kb4 (if Kd4.4.Qd6+.Kc3.5.Qxf6+ and 6.Qxa1)
4..Qd6+.Kc3 (if Ka4.4.Qa6+ and 5.Qxa1 wins easily)
6. Qxa1 winning easily.
I thought this looked familiar- 1.c4
and white can prove his chops at a Q vs R ending! Or, as we abbreviate things in the chess problem world, just say it is +-.